Today’s day 10 of Rev Abs workout for me.
Below is a quick video with some of the test members results.
I haven’t weighed myself or taken measurements yet…
will do that at day 14.
Meanwhile, today was Total Strength and Mercy Abs work outs.
I wasn’t really in the mood to do it today, but did complete both work outs.
Mainly, because I didn’t do my running this morning
and because Brett Hoebel says in the workouts that once you push past your limit there is no going back…
Note: if you want to get RevAbs, buy it via this link! not any other!
If you do buy RevAbs, then email me and I’ll send you a special thank you bonus!
Today’s day 10 (21 more to go) of my 100 push ups a day challenge:
I did 45 push ups during my Rev Abs workout
and followed that with 37 standard push ups and 38 plank push ups
I exceeded the daily 100 but honestly didn’t try to do too many at one shot because I just wasn’t feeling it today.
(Hey, we all can have off days…and today was definitely an off day for me)
Sorry no pic today (like I said, just was an off day for me)