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The number 1 excuse that people use to not exercise is…“I have no time”
Well, I’m sure everyone has 10 minutes in their day to get in a workout!
There’s no excuse for not being active.
Get up!
Question of the day
How much time do you make for daily exercise?
LOVE this. Super easy and can fit into any schedule.
I usually give myself about an hour give or take to workout daily. Some days more, some days less. And I try to add some planks, etc in where I can too. Pinning this. Happy Thursday Tara!
love quick workouts like this for when i feel like i have a million things going on!
love this. the dumbells are going to need to be replaced with a kid, though. He’d find it TOO funny.
Love this quick, easy workout (and the cute little way you put it together).
Sometimes as a mom all you have is ten minutes. This is very STUFT family friendly.
He he!
No excuse not to find time to work 10 minutes of activity in your day. Great idea!
Love this! All moves that will definitely work you good no matter your fitness level.
I always love your graphics
love this workout too! Pinned it on my fitness board;)
was literally about to type the same thing as paige. Your infographs always make me smile. They’re awesome and informative.
Some day I must learn your secrets on how to make them so awesome
I tried to pin this great workout, but the picture was totally blank. But it worked for Paige so what is my problem?
i agree with paige, cute graphics! and 10 mintes is sometimes all i got, so perfect!
Alexandra, did you click the pin it button on the post?
There should be a pic and description automatically put there… sorry!
Thanks Paige and Charlotte!!! Glad you like the graphics…I cant design those or draw but can find good places to buy them! and then incorporate into my graphic!
Hi Tara: Much as I love a burpee challenge, the ole’ knees just can’t burp like they used to. As for that infograph, my heart rate went up just admiring it! Cute! How did you make it?
Love quick workouts like these! Thanks for sharing!!