I received 4 packages of cashews & almonds from Yumnuts Naturals.
And OH.MY.GAWD yum is an understatement!
Wait until you see the pics that go with this review!
It took all my self control not to devour each bag at once.
I did actually use some of the toasted coconut cashews on crusted tilapia the other day…more about that later.
Some quick info about Yumnuts Naturals
Lowest calorie nut
Good source of iron and protein
Flavor roasted in small batches with “TLC”
Oven baked
No added oils (why take nature’s perfect snack and cook it in oil?)
No cholesterol
No trans fats
No or low sodium
Gluten Free
Now, try not to drool too much but here we go with the cashews and almonds I got to devour experience.
My favorite (though was really hard to determine a favorite since they all are truly delish!), the toasted coconut cashews
These are the most amazing cashews I’ve had.
Perfect blend of toasted coconut makes these addicting!
I felt bad not really eating the majority of the bag without sharing with my daughter.
So, I ended up making a crusted tilapia with them.
I just crushed some up, lightly breaded the fish, covered with the toasted coconut cashews and baked for about 30 mins at 350 and then broiled for another 5.
Next up were the Easy Cajun Cashews.
These had the perfect amount of kick to them.
I did eat a lot of these solo but did manage to throw some in a salad and brown rice as well.
They’re scrumptious no matter how you eat them!
The chocolate cashews are up next.
Chocolate and cashews, how could you go wrong with that combination?!
Cocoa powder (not fatty chocolate) is dusted over roasted cashews making for an ideal light & healthy snack.
Lastly, were the cinnamon almonds.
These have the right balance of nuts with the sweet taste of cinnamon. My daughter especially enjoyed these.
So, there you have it.
Two thumbs up and now I’m wishing I hadn’t finished this review because that’d mean I still had some nuts to eat!
If you can’t wait to see if you win the giveaway below, you can order online now
Tyler has given a generous 30% discount to you the readers!
Use trial30 as the coupon code at checkout!
Enter to win a 4 count variety pack
Contest open until Nov 5, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Nov 6, 2011 via email.
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Visit YumnutsNaturals.com, look around and then come back here and comment on something you learned or a flavor you’d like the best.
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– Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product(s) listed above. Tara has not received any monetary compensation for her review on this blog. Free product was received by Tara so she could experience it for the review. Tara’s opinions are honest and unbiased. Tara Burner is not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from companies and people on this blog.
I think I’d like the Toasted Coconut Cashews.
I subscribe to your blog, Tara.
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I would love them all… but I think I want the cinammon almnds the most! mmmmm.
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And I tweeted!
I would like to try the touch of honey cashews or the chocolate coated almonds
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like you on FB Shelly H
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recipes on FB Shelly H
I’d love to try the sea salt cashews!
I would like to try the cinnamon almond
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I follow you on Twitter. I am @purplelarkspur
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The chocolate flavored ones look so tasty!
I follow via GFC as Pan!
I would like to try the almond dark chocolate
I love toasted coconut cashews for crunching or adding to nonbaked deserts, and simply delicious sea salt when for salty goodness.
I’d love to try the Easy Cajun cashews! Yum for spice!
krispycrackers at aol dot com
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#14 was chosen
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Yumnuts Naturals Review, Giveaway & Reader Discount | is an outstanding share. Thank you for this article.