Not only is Thanksgiving this month but, November is also Diabetes Month and Chia has benefits for those who have Diabetes…
Chia seeds are a complete source of protein, are digestible without being ground, have more Omega 3 than flax seed, digest slowly and help maintain blood sugar levels–so they’re ideal for diabetics and dieters (or those like myself who are just plain addicted to Whale Tails Chips)
Blue Corn (maize) has been on Thanksgiving tables through out the years as well.
Blue corn tends to be higher in lysine, iron and zinc than white or yellow dent corn varieties. Blue corn also has a coarser, sweeter and nuttier taste than other corns grown for flour or meal.
Corn is one of the popular symbols of Thanksgiving. It came in many varieties and colours- red, white, yellow and blue. Some Americans considered blue corn sacred. It is said that native Americans had been growing corn a long time before the pilgrims arrived in their country. The oldest corns date 7000 years back and were grown in Mexico. Americans taught pilgrims how to grow corn and help them survive the bitter winter of 1620. It is certain that corn were a part of the first Thanksgiving dinner.
The tradition continues and corn finds its place on every dinner table world over during Thanksgiving dinner. Ornamental Corncobs are quite popular during the festival. They are used to decorate dining tables and make harvest wreaths- A popular gift item among Americans. Ornamental popcorns are also widely used. Corn reminds us of the importance and heritage of the famous harvest festival. It also remains America’s foundation of ‘Modern-Agriculture ‘.
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and WOW the lucky winner gets a full 12 count case of 9oz BLUE Corn with Chia
Contest open until Nov 14, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Nov 15, 2011 via email.
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I learned they are a green company and they use natural and organic ingredients
They use Wyland’s artwork on their bags for designs
I learned that certified organic corn tortilla chips are naturally gluten free, low in sodium content and free of any trans fats. All of our ingredients are certified kosher and NON GMO. Hawaiian sun dried sea salt is incredibly rich with essential trace minerals that our bodies require to remain healthy.
This sounds like a great product! The Hawaiian BBQ sounds very good. I’ve taken chia seeds alone (in a shaker with juice), I’ve heard about so many great benefits. Really nice to have a snack that incorporates chia seeds.
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
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I’d like the blue corn/chia flavor you have shown here. I’m not a BBQ fan.
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I’m very much looking forward to trying these blue corn chia chips! (Though the Savory Hawaiian BBQ sounds great, too!)
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I think that the Hawaiian Barbeque flavor would be so good! I would love to try it! Thanks for the chance!
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