Even the healthiest of us still snacks…right?
Well, now you can find out how to Unjunk Your Junk Food with this new book that recently came out.
The main point is to avoid chemical additives in your food, and that can easily be done with this great resource.
It has easy to read and understand pages with cool coding icons and great graphics, including showing the nutritional panels on food packaging (which y’all should be reading and knowing what you’re reading!)
The purpose of the book is to provide better options. We want people to know that if they are going to indulge in a treat, they can choose from products that don’t contain any chemical additives—which are responsible for serious issues including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.
You don’t have to give up the foods you love, just give up the toxic ingredients.
Take the junk out of your junk food.
Here’s how:
The Edible (R)evolution is a 4 step process:
Step 1: Take the ‘Worst Ingredients’ chart along with your shopping list on your next trip to the grocery store
Step 2: Before you blindly toss a food product into your cart, read its entire list of ingredients (even before you read the nutrition panel)
Step 3: Refer to the ‘Worst Ingredients’ chart as well as the glossary in Unjunk Your Junk Food to make sure you understand the meaning of EVERY single ingredient listed on the label
Step 4: Decide whether or not the ingredients in the product you’re holding are what you want to purchase and put into your body. If not, use Unjunk Your Junk Food to help guide you to comparable products with cleaner ingredients
The best resource in the book….‘Worst Ingredients Chart’ on page 25
They classified all the ingredients into what they call ‘The Scary Seven’
They are as follows:
· HFCS: High-Fructose Corn Syrup (AKA glucose-fructose in Canada)
· TRANS-FATS: Anything listed as ‘partially hydrogenated’ or ‘hydrogenated’ (includes vegetable shortening);
· MSG: Monosodium glutamate;
· ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS: Any artificial flavoring;
· ARTIFICIAL COLORS: Any type of artificial dyes;
· ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS: Chemical sweeteners including Aspartame, Splenda (sucralose), Ace-K (Acesulfame Potassium), Saccharine, etc.
· PRESERVATIVES: Polysorbate 60, 65 & 80, TBHQ, Sodium Benzoate, BHA, BHT, Sulfur Dioxide (sulfites).
Now, go see how many of those are lurking in your cupboards!
Celebrities like Maria Shriver and Alan Arkin have endorsed the book, read them here
Unjunk Your Junk Food is available at Barnes & Noble (both in stores and online) as well as Amazon and other online
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Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book to use for this review. My opinions and thoughts are my own though.
Thanks for the link, Tara. I know a lot of people who could use help in this department. I tend to snack on things that I make myself, so although they might have a bit more butter and sugar in them than I should be eating, at least I know what the ingredient list is!
Oooh it’s currently only 7.50 on amazon! I eat a lot of junk food, I’m ashamed to admit. I count my calories though to maintain my weight, this seems like a great way to at least improve the junk food I eat! Thanks for the recommendation!
Thanks for the review!
Oh my Lord I need this book! Thanks so much for the review!