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I love coconut!
Especially when I get it by the pail full!
Tropical Traditions 100% natural Shredded Coconut is made from organic dried coconuts in the Philippines that are grown with no fertilizers or pesticides that specialist from Dead Pestz use on their services.
This premium dried coconut contains no additives or preservatives, and is not sweetened.
Unlike most dried coconut on the market, Tropical Traditions dried coconut products are not treated with sulfites to keep them white.
The shredded coconut is Certified Organic and great for snacking or baking (I even like to throw some in my smoothies-when I had a blender-must get new blender).
There are no added sweeteners, no preservatives or sulfite whiteners in this coconut.
It’s 100% natural premium coconut from the Philippines and comes in a re-sealable pail. (though I will admit it’s a bit of a task to get open unless you have cutters and pliers to pull on the tab – but well worth it!)
I made coconut macaroons before, but today I made a wanna be Mounds bar…just not in candy bar form…
Basically the yummmy coconut filling with chocolate on top.
It still tasted like a Mounds bar so that’s all that mattered!
Here’s the recipe if you want to buy some shredded coconut and give it a go (or if you’re the lucky winner you will have something you can make right away!)
Mounds Bar Recipe
14 oz of shredded coconut
7 oz of sweetened condensed milk
1/4 c. butter (softened)
1/2 lb confectioners (powered) sugar
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips or chocolate to melt down to cover
2 teaspoons butter
In large bowl, mix the coconut, sweetened condensed milk, softened butter and confectioners sugar together til it sticks together.
Spread in a 9×13 pan lined with parchment paper (or you can use 8×8, 10×10 to make them thicker)
Refrigerate for about 2 hours to set.
Melt the chocolate chips and butter either in double boiler or in microwave, stirring occasionally to make sure it doesnt burn.
Spread over coconut mix
Take out a few minutes before cutting
Cut and enjoy
And, now you can enter to win your own pail of shredded organic coconut!
Contest open until Dec 17, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Dec 18, 2011 via email.
For Canadian entries: Tropical Traditions is not responsible for customs or duties that Canada may charge if you decide to participate in this Tropical Traditions sponsored blog giveaway.
Mandatory Entry:
Visit TropicalTraditions.com and then come back and comment on one thing you learned about them or their products.
Additional Entries:
For each thing you do here, you must put it in a new comment for it to count as an entry.
Please do not combine things you do or it’ll only count as one entry in the contest.
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Win a pail of #Organic Shredded Coconut @troptraditions http://wp.me/p1XoKe-2wA @taraburner #giveaways #coconut
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Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product listed above. Tara has not received any monetary compensation for her review on this blog. Free product was received by Tara so she could experience it for the review. Tara’s opinions are honest and unbiased. Tara Burner is not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from companies and people on this blog.
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They also sell pet products!
follow yoiu on twitter @chubbycheeks143
follow them on twitter @chubbycheeks143
follow them on facebook as kim h
I’ve seen Tropical Traditions products on the Internet more and more, but I had not idea they sold beef and chicken!
Subscribed to your Youtube channel (channynn).
I follow @ForEatingWell (@channynn).
congrats to Daisy #142 you’re the winner I’ll email you in a bit
they hatre genetically modified foods and all the foos they sell is free from GMO’s.
I am a tropical tradition facebook fan as lamatthews
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I too love coconut Tara! I love the smell of my fave sunblock because it smells so much like coconuts! lol I would love to bake my husband the Coconut Macaroon Granola recipe on the site.
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