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Yes, this is where I got 5 of the 7 personalized hand stamped silver rings I wear…
(if you haven’t read the story of my rings, you can read it here–at the time I had 7 rings, now I have 8 rings– 7 of which are personalized)
Tiny Tokens Designs
Here’s the newest of rings…
on middle finger of right hand
and a close up
(go ahead click the image for full size in new window)
and another angle (not sure you can read the whole word though?)
Sometimes I need to be reminded that I’m blessed
(don’t we all?!)
So, this is the newest ring to the collection.
I just need one more ring and then I’m complete (except for the wedding ring finger)
And, trust me I’m in no rush for that one…
Tiny Tokens Designs hand stamps each piece of silver jewelry (The www.yourdiamondteacher.com has rings, necklaces, earrings (I have a pair floating around the condo somewhere), bracelets, etc).
She puts them in these itty bitty adorable little boxes complete with tag and ribbon!
So, that leads to my dilemma…
I don’t know which word to put on final ring…
I currently have:
on the left hand-FAITH, LOVE, HOPE
the ring on right thumb isn’t personalized but was my daughters half brother’s who’s now in heaven.
Question of the day
Which of these words should be on the final ring?
or something else?????
I am frugal but thats not why I own none of these rings—I GET TOO STUMPED.
and I go back and forth on words FOREVER and purchase nothing
I like Grace.. I don’t know you personally but, like to think so through your blog… Grace seems to suit you.. PS. love that polish. xo
I like Forgiven and Grace. You know you could get both and go ahead and put one on your “wedding ring finger” without it having to be a “wedding ring”
I like MERCY. It can be a cruel world where people are unnecessarily mean to one another. MERCY is a constant reminder to be compassionate towards others regardless. If you maintain that lifestyle, no one, even with wicked words or deeds, can take that away from you. It reminds you to be merciful in all your actions and become the better person in all situations.
I suggest forgiven or unbreakable
I’m all for Grace =)
I would choose Grace of the 3 listed. It’s one of the most powerful words in my personal dictionary of life experiences. I would also choose the word Passion.
i like grace
I really like grace! its a small, beautiful word with a lot of power behind it