A big thanks goes to Adam who sent me some blissful wonderful delicious yummy filling (did I use enough adjectives) Superfood Snacks…
They are divine and of course one of the things I noticed right away was the “Package made from BIODEGRADABLE material” proudly stamped on each bag!
C’mon y’all know I’m going to notice when a company uses eco, environmentally friendly packaging…it’s part of who I am!
But, lets move to the yumminess…
Superfood Snacks are organic, raw, delicious energy snacks made with superfoods.
They have antioxidants in them.
They’re made without gluten, dairy, rice, corn, fillers or refined sugars!
Our (my daughter and I and I’ll have you know she ate all but one of the Brazilian Chocolate Ecstasy bag herself…I was allowed one for review purposes I’m sure!
Click the image to see full size, see all the detail…
the chia seeds, the bits of brazil nuts, the delicious cacao powder and all the rich goodness packed into these nuggets.
Check this out
Our delicious & super-nutritious Brazilian Chocolate Ecstasy is raw, certified organic, and handcrafted with love. They contain antioxidant properties, are nutrient dense, and are a source of enzymes.
Enzymes play a key role in the digestive process. Most foods are enzyme deficient due to over processing and being exposed to high heat levels. Brazilian Chocolate Ecstasy contains a variety of energizing raw superfoods including mango, Incan berries Brazil nuts, maca root, and raw cacao.
This superfood snack will power you through! Brazilian Chocolate Ecstasy contains an ORAC antioxidant rating of 12,396, more than 2 times higher than blueberries!
Next up were the Chocolate Gogi Treats
Do you see the goji berries!?
These raw yummies are made with Organic Clear Agave Nectar*, Organic Goji Berries*, Organic Cacao Powder*, Organic Walnuts*, Organic Hunza Raisins*, Organic Coconut*, Organic Dates*, Organic Sesame Seeds*, Organic Sunflower Seeds*, Organic Black Sesame Seeds*, Organic Maca Powder*, Organic Vanilla Powder*, Organic Cinnamon*, Selina Naturally Hawaiian Deep Sea Salt, Organic Cayenne Pepper*.
(*Raw & Organic ingredient)
Followed up by Chocolate Cherry Qi which were good as well.
Do you see all the raw rich ingredients in there!?
Dried cherries, dates, cacao powder, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, coconut, blue green algae, cinnamon, Selina Naturally Hawaiian Deep Sea Salt all make up these nutrient rich energy nuggets.
The three flavors we tried were all filling, wonderful bites of heaven!
And, now you have the opportunity to enter to win 3 bags for your own enjoyment!
Win 3 bags of Superfood Snacks
Contest open until Nov 27, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Nov 28, 2011 via email.
Contest only open to the US
Mandatory Entry
Visit www.superfoodsnacks.com and come back and comment with what flavor you’d like to try or something you learned.
Additional Entries:
For each thing you do here, you must put it in a new comment for it to count as an entry.
Please do not combine things you do or it’ll only count as one entry in the contest.
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– Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product(s) listed
above. Tara has not received any monetary compensation for her review on
this blog. Free product was received by Tara so she could experience it
for the review. Tara’s opinions are honest and unbiased. Tara is not responsible for shipping or the delivery of any prize.
I love goji tea, would love to try the goji berries one.
Liked Raw Caoca Snacks on Facebook. btw your pictures are great to see the details since their page doesn’t really show what is inside those balls.
I’d love to try the chocolate cherry Qi. I love the combo of chocolate and cherries and these sound amazing.
It’s currently out of stock, but Green Chocolate Dream sounds great!
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Brazilian chocolate ecstasy sounds wonderful.
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congrats to Alice #2 was chosen
I’ll be emailing you in a few
very interesting topic , outstanding post.