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I received a variety of Oxylent products to try…
the multivitamin drink mixes, chapstick and children’s drinks too.
About Oxylent
OXYGENATES: The enzymes, SOD and catalase, work together to promote the conversion of toxins into beneficial oxygen and water, enhancing cellular oxygenation.
HYDRATES: Important electrolytes control the balance of fluid in the body. They are also important for muscle and nerve function, blood pressure, movement of nutrients into the cells, and the removal of waste product from the cells.
CIRCULATES: The amino acid, L-Arginine, promotes healthy blood flow, which significantly improves circulation.
REJUVENATES: A full range of B vitamins support adrenal health and immune and nervous systems5. Powerful antioxidants, CoQ10, vitamin C, and bioflavonoids, are also included. 1000 I.U.s natural vitamin D3 supports bone and heart health.
The drinks are surprisingly good tasting and don’t have any funky after taste.
They’re convenient for when you’re traveling or on the go.
Throw one of the packets in your gym bag, purse, whatever and mix with water & enjoy!
You can see from their supplement facts that they’re loaded with vitamins, minerals and only have 8 calories per packet.
Oxylent is a high quality, great-tasting, daily multivitamin effervescent that can be mixed with water for a refreshing and nutritious daily drink. Oxylent comes in three delicious flavors. The effervescent delivery system offers nearly 100% immediate absorption of vital nutrients and is gluten, caffeine, lactose and preservative free.
My personal favorite was the Sparkling Mandarain, followed by Sparking Berries and lastly Sparkling Blackberry Pomegranate.
They also offer Prenatal Oxylent (I sure don’t need that!) but if it’s like the ones I tried sure it’s great.
A children’s version is available too for kids over 4.
Oxylent has been awarded one of the top ten products by Vitamin Retailer in 2009, and Best of Supplements Awards 2010.
They even went to the Oscars too.
To find out where you can but your Oxylent locally, check out their store locator or buy online.
One winner will receive a camelback water bottle and a variety box of Oxylent, which contains 30 individual packets in all three delicious flavors
Contest open until Jan 17, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Jan 18, 2012 via email.
Mandatory Entry
Visit www.oxylent.com and come back and comment on what you’d like to try or something you learned.
Additional Entries:
For each thing you do here, you must put it in a new comment for it to count as an entry.
Please do not combine things you do or it’ll only count as one entry in the contest.
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Win Vitamin Drink Mixes & Camelback Water bottle http://wp.me/p1XoKe-2Mq @oxylent @taraburner #giveaways #fitness
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– Disclaimer: I have personally reviewed the products listed above. My opinions are totally mine…honest and unbiased. I’m not responsible for shipping or the delivery of any prize.
Ilearned: Enjoy it alone or as a vehicle for your daily fish oil.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I learned electrolytes hydrate
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Looks like a good way to get in some vitamins and hydrate too!
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Eat Run Sail
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I want to win Oxylent because it is an easy way to take multi vitamins.
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The Product
Follow Oxylent on Twitter @sunneiwithkatie
Follow Oxylent on FB, Katie Lynn
I have started a new workout program for the new year and I am sure these would boost me along
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I want to win to try the product and I need a new waterbottle for work.
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Oxylent has B vitamins, CoQ10, vitamin C, and vitamin D.
Following @oxylent on Twitter as @bchan5720
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I would love to try Oxylent because of all of the vitamins. Drinking supplements is so much easier than swallowing pills.
Tweeted as @bchan5720 https://twitter.com/#!/BChan5720/status/157663171094650881
LOVE IT! The Tangerine is my favorite! I take a packet every single day. I have felt such a difference in my body chemistry since taking Oxylent over pills. Thank you so much for such a great product!
I have my afternoon Oxylent brake every day, there is nothing like getting that 2nd wind, feeling energetic and healthy !
The winning number is 46
I’ll be emailing you