You all know I love my peace signs, well OnMySide has a really awesome Peace tee that I got to review.
This shirt is soft and comfy.
It’s 100% cotton.
I really like the design and the different ways to say Peace on it.
There’s even Peace in Braille using Swarovski Crystals; however, I’d have liked that placed somewhere perhaps on the back.
As it is right now it’s on left side right on edge of my booby so if anyone’s reading Braille there, they’ll most likely get their butt kicked by me!
It might just be because of how big I am because on the models in the images from the site, it’s below so guess yet another disadvantage of being big there.
You have to hand wash the shirt because of the Swarovski Crystals which are also on the Peace sign logo on the side of the shirt as well.
A classic Peace sign on the front of the shirt is prominently displayed on all styles. It’s a symbol that is globally recognized, and it is tastefully decorated with 100% genuine Swarovski Crystals. This theme promotes Peace throughout the world by displaying the word “Peace” on both the front and back of the shirt in over 40 languages, including Braille using Swarovski Crystals on both Mens and Womens styles. It is a timeless style with powerful message behind it.
The original company name of PEACE OnMySide was changed to OnMySideBrand to promote other inspirational, and positive messages, hence the introduction of Angel, Love, Hope, Faith, and Harmony OnMySide.
There are other shirts besides the Peace one that I liked but you know…had to stick with Peace for now.
OnMySide offers mens shirts and womens shirts.
Besides the Peace shirt you can get Love, or Faith, Harmony, Angel or Hope.
I’m certain OnMySide Brand has an inspirational shirt that would be ideal for you!
You can order directly online or enter the contest below to see if you’ll be a lucky winner.
Enter to win your choice of shirts from OnMySide
Contest open until Dec 11, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Dec 12, 2011 via email.
Contest only open to the US
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– Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product(s) listed
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I like the pink short sleeve love shirt
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All their stuff is great! I like the long sleeve tees as well.
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I like the peace shirt the best but if I had to choose my second favorite it would be the be on my side harmony long sleeve shirt!
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I like the on my side Faith tee
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