I’ve been called evil before…
hmmmm is that a good thing? dunno
But what I DO know is LesserEvil.com is a good thing…
actually good things!
As in…black & white kettlecorn, regular kettlecorn, krinkles (veggie, original, white cheddar)
As with all of our products at LesserEvil, we use premium ingredients and ensure that there is no preservatives, no corn syrup, no artificial flavors or colors, no trans-fats and of course less fat. Snack lighter! Eat LesserEvil.
Read the rest of LesserEvil’s story here…
We believe that life is about balance, and we don’t believe in being perfect. LesserEvil vows to continue its mission to fight bad snacking with a little goodness. Join us in our journey toward a LesserEvil life.
I naturally being me, ripped open all 3 bags of LesserEvil goodies as soon as I got them!
Ok, so I lack self control!
The veggie krinkle sticks are unbelievable!
Veggies never tasted soooooo danged good…
Not only do they contain spinach, potato, broccoli, cilantro they’re also made with 7 whole grains including quinoa (yum)!
Who doesn’t like kettlecorn? and who can resist it if it’s got chocolate too!
The LesserEvil Black & White Kettlecorn is the perfect duo of sweet & salty.
Devilishly good but yet LesserEvil!
and then there’s the Original krinkle stick…
You can’t beat the Originator! Sea Salt Krinkle Sticks are made with a potato base and dusted with a flavorful mix of sea salt and seasoning that give them a serious addictive quality. Try serving these with your favorite dip at your next party.
Be assured you will be seeing more posts and yumminess from me about LesserEvil because these truly are a yummmy natural alternative that really are less evil than other snacks!
Contest open til midnight April 15th!
Mandatory Entry
Visit www.lesserevil.com, then come back here and comment on something you learned about the company or which product you think you’d like the best!
And, while you’re there, you can enter the contest via their form and rules too!
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I want to win an iPad3 from @LesserEvilSnack http://wp.me/p1XoKe-3fa @TaraBurner #giveaways #healthysnacks
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FTC Disclaimer: LesserEvil compensated me for this post and provided awesomesauce healthy snacks to devour; however, all opinions & thoughts are totally my own (goodness knows nobody could think the thinks I think)
I’ve never had these before – yum. I am impressed with the company’s “giving back” belief. I think that’s such a great thing for companies to do.
We are friends on FB
I tweeted (@hriacobacci)
Unfortunately it looks like they aren’t carried around me at all.
Heather, where are you located?
My fav product would be the Krinkle Sticks (Veggies). I’ve learned that there’s gluten in this kind but I don’t really care.
I did follow them on facebook
I followed them on Twitter
and finally I did retweet the contest!
Oh and I subscribed to your youtube channel
can’t wait to watch it!
Last:P I already liked you on facebook and the Recipe for eating well too
I love that you can get a huge serving size with veggies included in the veggie sticks! They sound amazing!
Following lessereveil on twitter! @lifafterswim
liked lesser evil on FB!
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Found the closest location is at Wegmans about 20 minutes away! YAY!
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I love that this company GIVES BACK! Autism is a great cause!
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Store locator shows nothing near me.
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I want to win an iPad3 from @LesserEvilSnack http://wp.me/p1XoKe-3fa @TaraBurner #giveaways #healthysnacks
OK, could not figure out how to give you the link to the tweet! Sorry!
i want to try the krinkle sticks! yum!
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I tweeted! So want to try these but they don’t ship to Canada…
Wasn’t that Black and White kettlecorn deeelish? Ok, ok, I liked all their flavors. Now let’s go be lesser evil in the world!
I think that I would like the Veggie Krinkle Sticks the most
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I used the store locator and there are no stores within 50 miles of my zip code
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