I received a great bed from GreenerPup for Chico to enjoy!
He tried it out before I could even get the tag off.
Notice he’s so comfy that he’s actually yawning in this pic!
Chico got the small round with Jim Morrison fabric (ok so the fact that I used to have a mad crush on Jim Morrison of the Doors may or may not have had something to do with the fabric choice).
As an eco lover it only made sense to have a bed for Chico that would be in alignment with my lifestyle.
Greener Pup dog beds are made in the U.S.A (y’all know that’s a big plus to me)
The filling is made from 100% recycled plastic and get this…a single pound of filling is made from 10 plastic water/soda bottles.
Depending on the size of each of the dog beds, which have 7-12 pounds of filling each, we’re saving 70-120 plastic bottles from being dumped into our landfills!
Additionally, the bed covers are made from designer fabrics that aren’t in stock any longer or are discontinued or maybe have a tiny imperfection in them so that saves yards and yards of fabric going to landfill when it now is used for bed covers!
Isn’t that awesome!?
These soft, durable fillers in our pet dog beds are breathable, hypo-allergenic and won’t attract insects.
All of the dog beds come with one free removable, washable cover in your choice of recycled fabrics.
You can also purchase an additional cover to further customize your dog’s bed – you can pick from the Pup Covers page.
And if your pup needs a bed for outside, check out the Outdoor Bed Covers
Another great thing about Greener Pup’s beds, they’re extremely fluffy!
However, for smaller dogs (like Chico) or older or disabled dogs they might have a hard time climbing on and off of them.
Chico hesitates to jump up but once he does, he’s kicking back on his bed made for a king for hours!
I might take some of the fluff stuffing out to make it easier for him…we’ll see..
But, if you do have a dog that can’t get on the bed easily, all you have to do is unzip the cover, open the inner lining, and remove some of the excess stuffing.
The bed fillers really keep their shape, but should you ever want to “re-fluff and re-nest” your bed, just save the stuffing and add it as needed to plump up the bed.
For those who have cats, they do have green kitty beds as well!
So, all the fur babies in your home can enjoy these green beds.
Greener Pup LLC was conceived of by Kari Whitman, designer to the stars, dog rescuer, and environmental advocate. Kari’s “design with paws in mind” for her celebrity clients like Jessica Alba, Kristen Bell and Virginia Madsen led to the creation of her line of custom dog beds. Affordable, attractive, and eco-friendly, Greener Pup beds are the perfect way to pamper your pooch and help save the environment!
100% of the profits from orders on GreenerPup benefits Ace of Hearts, Kari’s foundation that’s dedicated to saving dogs the day they’re scheduled for euthanasia and finding them permanent homes! To date, they’ve saved more than 2,000 dogs. You can see just a few of them here
Reader’s Discount
25% off any GP order for the first 10 people who post on Greener Pup Facebook page a comment about Greener Pup or anything dog related and that you read about them here on TaraBurner.com
and, while this pic is dark and out of focus I had to include it, cuz Chico’s just looking too dashing not to!
Enter to win a collar
Your choice of collars from here
Contest open until Nov 18, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Nov 19, 2011 via email.
Mandatory Entry
Visit www.greenerpup.com and come back and comment with one thing you learned or your favorite bed cover design.
Additional Entries:
For each thing you do here, you must put it in a new comment for it to count as an entry.
Please do not combine things you do or it’ll only count as one entry in the contest.
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– Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product(s) listed
above. Tara has not received any monetary compensation for her review on
this blog. Free product was received by Tara so she could experience it
for the review. Tara’s opinions are honest and unbiased. Tara Burner is
not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from companies and
people on this blog.
I love the outdoor shelter bed. My dog loves to sit outside and this would be a great product for her.
I love how 100% of profits go to help shelters and how if you own a rescue dog you get 25% off your purchase, what a wonderful cause!!!!
Follow greener pup on Facebook as Katie Lynn
Follow greener pup on Twitter s@kltanner4476
Joined greener pup .mailing.list as Katie.Tanner30@gmail.com
We have a 3year old cocked spaniel named Max!!
Nesting is my fav cover color
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amy rouse
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amy rouse
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amy rouse
My favorite cover is the denim.
I Like Greener Pup Dog Beds on Facebook as Kelly Ann T.
I have 2 Alaskan Malamutes who add so much love and joy to our home.
I follow you on GFC as cstironkat.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/cstironkat/status/135835965636870144
#1 was randomly picked.
Congrats to Rebeca
I’ll be emailing you