I’m glad to introduce you to ExclusiveGoddess.com, where you can get eco-friendly jewelry and accessories.
Not only are the jewelry sets environmentally friendly but the company itself takes steps to be green…
They print on recycled paper and ship in USPS eco-friendly packaging.
Products have minimal or no artificial materials.
They are energy efficient in the office and in production.
They use recycled content and manufacture with minimal environmental impact and reusability.
Additionally, every time an accessory is sold a tree is planted by Mokugift to help the UNEP (United Nation Environment Programme).
You can read more about Exclusive Goddess and what they stand for.
The accessories and necklace sets that are available from ExclusiveGoddess.com are unique and will please anyone who is into green jewelry and different pieces. These are definitely eye catching pieces and a great display of how jewelry can be made from grains, beans, shells, seeds, nuts and other natural materials and be fashionable and environmentally friendly.
And, now for the actual eco-friendly necklace and earring sets.
My daughter reviewed these (she makes a better model than I do with jewelry! but sorry I did blur out her face, after all she is my teen and I don’t post her face, info online randomly).
But you’re here to see the jewelry anyhow!
This first set is Coffee Beans and Tagua
This set has an adjustable necklace so you can make it as long or as short as you want.
The necklace is tie style and made out of coffee beans and a dream catcher centerpiece made from a Tagua nut.
The necklace and earrings are crocheted by hand.
If you like the smell of coffee, then this set is especially for you since these are all natural, non toxic materials the coffee beans still have their aroma!
This set (and all the other items available by Exclusive Goddess) are great for girls & women of all ages…
evident by my teen loving the Coffee bean necklace & earrings as well as myself totally into these two sets and others on the website.
Acai and Camajuru necklace and earring set is next.
This set is the one that one lucky winner will get (see giveaway information below)
The necklace is also adjustable by sliding knot and made of macrame, and acai seeds and camajuro alternating.
Win the Acai and Camajuru set
$24.99 Retail value
Contest open until Nov 9, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Nov 10, 2011 via email.
Mandatory Entry
Visit ExclusiveGoddess.com, look around and then come back here and comment on something you learned or which item you’d like the best.
Additional Entries:
For each thing you do here, you must put it in a new comment for it to count as an entry.
Please do not combine things you do or it’ll only count as one entry in the contest.
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– Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product(s) listed above. Tara has not received any monetary compensation for her review on this blog. Free product was received by Tara so she could experience it for the review. Tara’s opinions are honest and unbiased. Tara Burner is not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from companies and people on this blog.
Very pretty jewelry! My favorite is Aditi in Hot pink, specially because it can be worn so many ways!!
Here is my link for the tweet http://twitter.com/#!/FeministMovemnt
I like the Mari necklace
I really like the Kali bracelet and the vesta necklace, these sets are way fun! What a great cause
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I like the Tria & the Azara bracelet!! Everything is gorgeous!!
I like the Atlas necklace set in black!
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Love the Minerva bracelet!
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The mari necklace is the one I would like.
I follow you on Twitter.
Congrats to Michele
#44 was chosen
I’ll be emailing you in a bit