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As most of you know, I’m an eco lovin’ type of girl.
That includes my clothing (as much as possible) and now I’ve found an outstanding company that offers contemporary and fun eco swimwear.
In the past there hasn’t been much to offer in the line of bathing suits and swimwear, until now!
ECO SWIM by AQUA GREEN is the most sustainable swimwear on the market. Their advanced fabrics and production techniques make them the more sustainable choice when it comes to choosing a swimsuit to wear and avoid tan lines by wearing swimwear that lets the rays through
Eco Swim by Aqua Green offers earth friendly swim wear that looks great and really changes the eco-conscious green swim line industry.
The green swim wear line is made here in the good ole’ USA.
They use fabrics made of recycled polyester, cotton and nylon.
They use 100% recycled plastic bags and hangers.
Bra cups in the suits are made from an Eco Cell foam which is a biodegradable material made from plant oils and recycled materials.
Eco Swim also gets their hands dirty in clean up projects. One of their projects was cleaning up the Delaware River, where they removed 615 pounds of trash. They fund clean up projects and their environmental efforts aren’t just about the materials used in their fashion line but also about making a difference on this planet.
Their parent company is a 4th generation family business based in the Lehigh Valley area of Pennsylvania (my home state!). Their growth is on a global level, yet they still design, fit, source, cut and sew in Pennsylvania…keeping it local!
I love their mission statement.
ECO SWIM Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide fashionable, excellent quality, and planet-friendly swimwear.
We will achieve this by embracing sustainable technologies and methods, hence reducing our carbon footprint in the sand.
Our vision is to be the most sustainable swimwear manufacturer on the planet.
We’re not there yet, but with every sunrise we try harder.
And, now for me wearing one of the Eco Swim tankini’s!
I do have to give a shout out to Julie and Helen who are patiently eagerly awaiting the pics and information.
So, here you ladies go!
I got to try the Eco Swim Eco Island Tankini.
Before the pics of me, I just want to say a few things….
(can you tell I’m stalling?)
I have to say I love this tankini.
When you’re a DD and the girls don’t want to stay in a bikini top (or any top for that matter) this tankini succeeded where no other has!
It’s ultra soft and comfortable too.
The swim wear line is truly about fashion, comfort and quality.
The Tankini top also has little gathers so it doesn’t lay totally flat across your stomach (which is a plus if you’re not flat and toned–you can hide anything you don’t like about your tummy, like I did)
I want to also add that while I’m obviously not model thin and obviously (really obvious) have a big chest, this suit fit great and I didn’t run out of the bathroom hysterical and in tears totally despising what I looked like. I actually went to the pool and wore this knowing it was eco-friendly, fashionable and didn’t have to worry about the fit….other bathing suit lines make it impossible for bigger girls to even look half way decent in their swim wear, that’s not the case with Eco Swim. At the pool, I like it because they follow rules and standards. They even have pool management and lifeguard services in the area. I think I’m gonna rate this place as 5/5.
And, the model picture since she really does the Eco Swim line justice but does show that all sizes can wear this suit since she’s certainly smaller and more toned than I am.
This truly is a great environmentally conscious swim wear line and they have an excellent mission and plan to make a difference in the world.
Visit their site at ecoswim.com for more information or to find out where you can purchase your Eco Swim.
You can “like” EcoSwim on Facebook
Follow @ecoswim on Twitter
Make sure to go to YouTube and check out the great videos there
— Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product(s) listed
above. Tara has not received any monetary compensation for her review on
this blog. Free product was received by Tara so she could experience it
for the review. Tara’s opinions are honest and unbiased.
awww you look adorable! You should be a swim model…you got the “knockers” for that LOL
LOL Shelly…but most models are tiny compared to me! I want to get rid of A LOT of the ‘girls’
I love the swim suit! you look great in it! I really need a new suit and will check them out.