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On the heels of the bestselling success of his low-calorie Now Eat This! Diet cookbook, Rocco DiSpirito is eager to expand his brand with a calorie-cutting tip guide to supplement his weight-loss program guaranteed to help remove at least 100 calories from any dish!
This is a flip book – one side has tips for on-the-go, and the other has tips for at home.
It’s a compilation of food swaps, and other calorie saving ideas along with daily suggested meal plans and a 14 day fast track plan and shopping lists.
Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts At Home/On The Go will provide you with tips and tricks on how to reduce calories when cooking at home or while eating out.
It provides new tips and showcases recipes from his previous books Now Eat This! and New York Times Best Seller Now Eat This! Diet offering readers revolutionary ways in cutting calories from any meal, with little effort, no deprivation, and while still eating 6 meals a day!
As he promises in all his books, readers can eat more and weigh less-it’s never been so easy!
Here’s how you can win your own copy of Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts At Home/On The Go, signed by Rocco DiSpirito himself:
Comment on this post and share the following with us “How do you cut out the extra calories on a daily basis?”
Let us know below for example, I would like to start eating whole wheat pasta to cut the calories because it uses whole wheat flour instead of regular flour and still tastes delicious! or Instead of bringing home a pizza when time is tight I need to start thinking of healthy alternatives to keep my family happy and healthy!
Whether you’re chosen as a lucky winner or not, Rocco shares exclusive healthy tips from his latest cookbook and recipes from @RoccoDiSpirito on Twitter.
Also, feel free to use the hashtag “#WinNET100” on Twitter if directing to the contest!
Like RoccoDiSpirito on Facebook
If you’re a US Resident, you can enter to win a signed copy of Now Eat This! 100 Quick Calorie Cuts At Home/On-The-Go
2 winners will be chosen
Contest open until Nov. 9, 2011 11:59 p.m.
Winner will be announced on Nov 10, 2011 via email.
— Disclaimer: Tara Burner has personally reviewed the product(s) listed
above. Tara has not received any monetary compensation for her review on
this blog. Free product was received by Tara so she could experience it
for the review. Tara’s opinions are honest and unbiased. Tara Burner is
not responsible for delivery of any giveaway items won from companies and
people on this blog.
I’ll start cutting back on extra butter I add to food
I wont eat out as much
Love him. Try to eat smaller portions and healthier foods.
I cut calories by eating whole grain bread & pasta; brown rice, steamed veggies w/ a squirt of lemon, healthy fats like walnuts, EVOO and avocado; less red meat, more fish; and drinking lots of water! Antioxidants like red wine, berries and dark chocolate are the “icing on the cake”!
I’m eating smaller portions and ordering appetizers instead of main entrees. I take the long way home.
I started using low calorie creamer or fat free milk in my coffee – its not a huge step, but helps me cut calories out at home and the flavored creamers keep me from buying those high-calorie coffee drinks at the shops!
I’ve re-discovered how much I enjoy cooking for me and my friends! And that allows me to control exactly what I put into my body. Eating more protein, fruits and veggies, eating less carbs and sugars. I also decided to not eat out or order in too often.
I will start drinking skim milk and not eating skin from chicken breast! I want to be smoking hot!
I cut calories everyday by only drinking water or unsweetened beverages. We’ve also switched to 100% whole wheat pasta and flour in all of our meals, yum!
krispycrackers at aol dot com
congrats to #6 and #8 Lisa and Tina I’ll be emailing you
Since one of the winners has not contacted me within the 48 hour period, a new winner was chosen… #9 Sam Buck..I’ll be emailing you.