Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
— Frank Outlaw
Deep thoughts for this morning!
I’ve been guilty of not watching my thoughts, words, actions, habits…
til now!
I’m more focused on all of them and plan on fulfilling my destiny on an up note!
Here are some tips for staying focused:
~~ Take care of yourself. If you’re feeling run down it affects everything. Exercise and eat healthy!
~~ Have confidence. Find ways to motivate yourself and maintain a positive attitude. If you tell yourself things won’t work out, then odds are they won’t. Tell yourself things are going to be great, odds are they will be!
~~ Be organized. Write things down, organize, use a calendar, whatever it takes. Clutter equals clutter in real life. Organized equals success and more focus, productivity.
~~ Know (or at least have a good idea) of what you want to accomplish. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a 5 year plan or even a life plan. You can set goals for short term…know what you want to accomplish in the next month and go for it. Each time you reach a goal, set a new one. Life changes, our plans change, our goals change. Do what it takes to reach them…knowing and trusting that you will!
The focused mind can pierce through stone
— Japanese Maxim
Even in the Bible, in Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
So shouldn’t that apply to yourself as well?
Don’t corrupt yourself with negativity and rather build yourself up knowing you have a destiny to fulfill.
Question of the day
What are YOU focusing on?
I always have to make sure I get enough sleep. If that starts to slip, everything goes downhill!
PS Love that last pic!
Love this post! Definitely needed it today!