You’ve been given another day to start over~~do things right, enjoy, be happy and live!
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. ~~ Psalm 118:24
You can use it for good, or you can waste it…it’s your choice.
Each one of us has that same decision to make when we wake up.
Whatever you use today for, remember you can only “do” today once (unless you’re Bill Murray in Groundhog Day who got the chance to do it over and over and over til he got it right).
Whatever you do during your day, remember that you’re using one day of your life…so make it count!
In today already walks tomorrow. ~Friedrich von Schiller
When the day is over and tomorrow begins, what will you have left behind as your mark in the world?
Let it be something excellent, helpful, life changing, life improving, memorable and good!
Each morning we are born again, what we do today matters the most ~ Buddha