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This weekend I had a lot of time to contemplate things.
Remembering who I used to be, acknowledging who I am now, and contemplating who I want to be.
And, now I know what I have to do to regain my self back and be the Tara I’m meant to be!
Many are someone else to appease others in our lives…be it a parent, significant other, friends, etc.
Are you being true to yourself?
Are you the person you want to be?
Tips on how to be yourself
Don’t try to be someone else-you’ll never be able to be anyone other than who you are-so don’t waste your time.
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
~Judy Garland
Accept any mistakes you’ve made in the past and move on-learning from them.
Be open and honest-show how you really feel-don’t be an imitation of someone else or be fake.
Don’t worry about pleasing others or how others will feel-you can’t please all the people all the time-you can’t control how people perceive you.
Be prepared to deal with people who want to change you, make you something that you aren’t-be strong and true to your beliefs and personality.
Remember that a number on the scale doesn’t define who you are.
In the end, you’re the one who has to be you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week…are you happy who you are?
Question of the day:
Are you being the real you?
Who do you want to be?
What are you doing to be that person?
I am trying to be me. I’ve always been more concerned about what my mum and pop thought of me and trying to please them (never have though). I’m going to focus on what I want to do and who I want to be. Thank you (again) Tara.