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It’s Tuesday…
Where I stick with a “T” letter for the topic of a blog post.
I was going to go with terrific or tenacious but neither of those seemed appropriate today.
However, Time did fit my mood.
I’m also really not in the mood to get into a lot of talk here…
I found out something yesterday that has me a bit out of sorts so with that said today I want to focus on time and how precious a commodity it is.
I think Steve Jobs said it best:
The Future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.
~C.S. Lewis
Question of the day
What’s important in your life to you?
Are you truly living your life?
I’ve been sooooo thinking about this lately. How do I spend my time? Is it consistent with my values and what I want my life to be? probably not… sigh…
I don’t see that about you Kris…
from what I see (online anyhow) you’re spending time doing some great things…
I’m going to hit you up via DM on FB