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Today’s Thankful Thursday….
and while y’all know I am thankful every day…
Some people only focus on thanks on Thanksgiving Day.
Which I so do not get (on so many levels but won’t get into a long rant about that)
There’s something to be thankful for in each and every day!
Shouldn’t we express gratitude every day?
and don’t judge (or condemn me, because I’ve already had so called Christian friends tell me I’m going to hell and pissing off God because I watch Vampire Diaries
but hey, it’s on on Thursday and I’m thankful to see Ian Somerhalder what can I say..
still love Jesus but to those who want to condemn me for watching a show and possibly lusting after a man I know I can never have lets not forget that he also has a foundation he started & runs that helps people, animals and environment (what are YOU doing to make a difference?!)…lets just make sure to focus on the one part he plays as an actor (read with major sarcasm) shall I then condemn and judge you for the things you do that are more un-Christ-like than a show?!
yea…didn’t think so!
Question of the day
Do you get together with family on Thanksgiving?
What are you thankful for?
What’s your favorite tv show?
I agreement with your comment about how we can find gratitude in everthing, I need to look more.often ifor those. Little greatful moments