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I’m posting Thankful Thursday posts again!
God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you?”
~William A. Ward
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
This one isn’t as easy to do!
Honestly, I’m going through a lot of nonsense
But, then again sadly aren’t a lot of people?
Do I find it easy to give thanks when I have to come up with like $3000 ASAP? nope, not really!
But, I have to be thankful for the fact that I’ve had til now to do that.
Do I find it easy to give thanks that my businesses aren’t as busy as I’d like (need) them to be? nope, not really!
But, I have to be thankful for the fact that I have my own businesses.
Do I find it easy to give thanks that I can’t help others who are in need? nope, not really!
But, I have to be thankful that HE can help them when I can’t.
Do I find it easy to give thanks that none of my websites I have for sale have sold? nope, not really!
But, I have to believe and have faith that they will.
Do I find it easy to give thanks when it feels like the whole world is caving in? nope, not really!
But, I have to give thanks that He is there and in His timing (though I wish it was in MY timing), He will provide.
The scripture doesn’t say it’s going to be easy, but that’s how we like things…easy.
But, that’s not a choice and it doesn’t strengthen us or our faith when it’s easy.
It doesn’t mold us into who we are when it’s easy.
It doesn’t teach us perseverance, patience, faith when it’s easy.
So, I’m thankful for everything I posted above as well as:
my children & family (those who are talking to me anyhow lol)
my friends (thank you especially to those who’ve DM’d me this week)
the fact that life will go on and we’ll all survive (might not see that right at this moment but it will)
the fact that I’m losing weight, getting back in shape!
and for you, my readers!
Thank you!!!!
Comment below on what you’re thankful for today!
Things always work out in the end…usually not on our time schedule but “his”.
Makes me feel thankful for where I’m at…..troubles always seems to find us, but God makes a way for us to escape. Keep pressing!
Way to go girlie!! Chin up! Life is a lesson, what are you supposed to be learning? I think you are getting it…