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How appropriate…Thankful Thursday falls on March 1st.
It’s been awhile since I actually kept up with my Thankful Thursday theme.
But this week is easy…I’m thankful for:
my son Nick, who’s 23 today!
Of course I’m always thankful for him and Christa both.
Just added reminder on his birthday though.
I’m also thankful for my good health, God’s blessings (even when I don’t really think I’m blessed), my friends…
source: tumblr but there was no original source for image
We all have lots to be thankful for.
I know, I know…at times it doesn’t seem like it.
But seem is the key word there!
There is always something to be thankful for.
Shoot, if you’re reading this you should be thankful you woke up this morning, you’re breathing, you’re living, you have a computer that’s enabling you to read this, and you may even use it to playing games with the help of elo boosting services that are offered online.
Don’t let things overwhelm you or turn your thoughts from gratitude to frustration or disappointment.
Remember that no matter what is going on in your life, there is something to give thanks for.
Question of the day
What are you thankful for today?
I am thankful for SO much. Today my husband, family support, job, house and even more.
Today I’m thankful for Jesus!, a supportive husband, great friends, and the ability to run!
Im thankful to be alive. Im thankful or my ever supporting fiancé. I’m thankful For 60 degree days in early march. I’m thankful for the cute pup on my lap
Basically everything