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Today’s another Thankful Thursday
and honestly this morning when I got up, I wasn’t feeling so thankful.
Then I opened up New Day, New You devotional by Joyce Meyer and was lead to read James 1:2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
and right now while I know I should find comfort in that and joy, I don’t.
Y’all know I never sugar coat anything and right now I’m just not grasping James 1:2-4 (at all!)
Though after some contemplation, I am thankful that I’ve made it this far…
But, I need the opinions of ufx finances to pay the bills (and I’m talking necessities-like electric, rent, water not frivolous nonsense).
I need for business to pick up (if not this then the winning numbers on the right day for the lottery lol).
I need my daughter to feel secure and know that things will work out.
If you go to verse 5 it says If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.
I’ve been asking for guidance, wisdom, favor and yet I don’t feel I’ve received….yet.
So, it’s a daily routine of reading the Word, being obedient (hard at times), seeking Him and trusting…..
not always an easy task, but what are the options?
What are YOU thankful for today?
What do you do to keep focused on the good and not the bad, trials, tribulations?
ahh…i need this reminder often! I’m thankful that I have 3 healthy kids. Too often I get caught up in the little things and drama of life when I should just sit back and reflect on everything I DO have!
It’s easy to do…getting caught up in the little things…which never seem so “little” at the time.
So, while I’m still dealing with some ‘not so little’ things I still have to make myself remember to be grateful for all that I do have and trust that the other stuff will fall into place as long as I keep being grateful and doing what I’m supposed to be doing….and I know you can do that too!!!