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As always, here’s the Thankful Thursday post.
While my day has been a bit more frenzied and chaotic than the normal frenzy, I’m still thankful.
Thankful for my kids, my health, my dad, stepmother and brother, my friends, the ability to blog and share with others…
While I did not win the FL Powerball for $200 million last night, someone did and I have to be jealous happy for that person(s).
I have a looong list of people who I’d help and what I’d do for when I win!
I’m currently not in the top 8% of the worlds wealthy according to the image here, but I’ll get back there again.
I have nobody but myself to blame for stupid mistakes that got me to here but hey our past makes us better & stronger (if we learn from it) so….
I’m thankful for lots of things today.
What are YOU thankful for?
I have it all; I am so blessed! Health, job, house, and God is watching over me at all times!