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Ways you can be positive:
Choose optimism over pessimism.
Choose FAITH over fear. (I’m working on this myself!)
Smile…even when you don’t want to!
If you’re happy and positive others will be as well.
Encourage others (it really does help)
Choose love and kindness over hate (If you find difficulty in that just think about kill them with kindness)
Find strength in adversity-(yea I know hard to do but what are the other options?!)
Seek the lesson in challenges (yea I know you don’t want to hear that, neither did I! but it does help)
Believe that better days are ahead and don’t live in the past glory days
If you fail doing something, you only fail if you give up…so try again! and again if necessary.
Know that you have a reason and purpose for being here!
Constantly move forward…have a vision, hope and trust standing in faith that you’re working towards that purpose.
Focus Point
Today and each & every day, I will be positive no matter what is thrown my direction and I will stay focused on my purpose and reason for being here!
Question of the day:
How do you stay positive?
Love the quote! Pinned it!
Good question to end with. I find that no matter what my mood, when I finish teaching a fitness class I am feeling positive. The combo of exercise, music, and people who work hard and have fun in class with me can turn around the worst of days. So amazed at how hard you are working Tara!http://funandfit.org/2012/05/motivational-quotes-to-move-you/