This quote was so perfect for today!
I’ve been trying to control situations and people and make things work…
needless to say you cannot make people be nice or do things they don’t have their heart in…
I’ve been holding onto the handles so tightly I thing I lost feeling in my hands.
I’m normally not that type of person…
I mean c’mon I am the one who plans on traveling the US via VW Vanagon doing odds/ends, teach some yoga, make a bracelet, whatever… to get from one place to the other
and enjoy life and have fun!
Others…well they’d rather have the mindset that they must go to work and work is work (not fun)—apparently nobody has told them it can be both!
So, now that everyone has shown how they really feel I can let go of the illusion that anyone related to me cares (outside of my children)
and move on with my life…
Trusting God has my back, He knows what’s in store for me and I’m letting go (not like I really ever had control…He does)
and having some fun on this journey called life!
I won’t be the one who wakes up every morning dreading my job, or life for that matter…
I will be the one though who finds something fun and positive in each and every day…
Mind you, my bills are all past due (I’m trusting in more work and the finances I need to come my way) and unless I win the lottery I don’t foresee having tons of money but after seeing how some people are I’d rather be happy, enjoying life and in my situation than to reverse places with some others…
though having lots of money AND fun free spirited life would be ideal as well!
Question of the day
Do you have FUN in your life?
Are you doing anything special over the weekend for Earth Day?
I love this!!! It’s a great thing for us all to be reminded of! Have a great weekend!
love the quote, love the bike pic
thanks for sharing Tara!
Great post, Tara! It’s really hard to let go sometimes, but can be so rewarding. Hope you have a lovely weekend!
This is so perfect for me right now. I’m going through a lot of changes- making big decisions, and things are still up in the air. But as a control freak, it’s very hard for me to deal with that. It’s a great reminder to just let go. It’s all going to work out.
(Thanks for stopping by Sarah Fitness. Nice to meet you! I’m now following you in all the available ways, and looking forward to reading more!)
Life IS good and you deserve the very best. You are awesome and believe me, you will get all the good you deserve.
We always have fun in our life. Things that have been going on in our life are not always fun and challenge us but we’ll get through it.
Noting special this weekend but I am getting a ton accomplished (guest posts, blog posts, cooking and RELAXING!).
Hope you’re having a good one!
Thx for this post Tara – we all need to let go at times – sort of what I wrote for my Gratitude Monday post… Like you, no money ever expected here but ya never know & we shall see what it all brings…