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The “Keep Calm and Carry On ” poster was produced by the British government in 1939 at the of World War II.
They wanted to raise the morale of the British public in the case of invasion.
They never really used the poster and yet a few years ago it started making it’s way into other sectors.
It has an excellent message…one that’s simple and to the point and can be applied in many areas of our lives.
Everyone is dealing with something or many somethings, and needs reassurance that things will be okay and that they can go about their lives.
Believers in the Word know that there’s spiritual warfare all around, so while this was originally for those in WWII, we can still use it on today’s front line to remember to remain calm and trust in Him and carry on about our lives calmly knowing that it’ll all be okay.
I’m going to heed this message today and in midst of all the chaos I’m dealing with right now I’m going to Keep Calm and Carry On!
What are YOU going to do?