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It’s Saturday, its a cloudy day so no beach day for me
So, here I am giving you something to do if you’re stuck inside or if you just need to regroup and refocus on your goals or what you want.
Normally, I charge for this ebook but today I’m offering it for free
It’s 44 pages long.
I believe 40 pages are graphics I’ve even made myself or have bought with permission to use.
It does have a Christian/faith based basis and does include some scripture and scripture based graphics as well as main stream graphics.
You can download yours here
There are no sign ups or collection of emails…just click here and it’ll open in a new window for direct download
IF you like the ebook and IF you feel like donating $1, $2, $5 or whatever you can use the button here:
Question of the day
What is going to be on your board?
I’m putting a trip to Greece on my board along with a picture of a house I want and a shapelier body