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Today’s Motivation Monday…
And, I’m getting ready to embark on a serious journey of discipline.
I can’t say what it is right now…
Actually I could say but, I choose not to because I’m sure it will lead to some debate and some things are better left unknown to the general population ’til the goal is actually accomplished so as not to raise negativity!
Question of the day
Are you working on accomplishing your goals?
How did you know I needed this exact, simple, well put message this morning?? I’m embarking on a fairly large goal myself and I was feeling incredibly overwhelmed this morning… and then I log in and see this – overwhelm-vanquished. Thank you!!
Many of my favorite quotes, including the one that heads my running blog, is by Jim Rohn. Pinned! Thanks, Tara, for sharing… and yes, I AM working toward my goals.
Hi Tara: What is it, huh? huh? Can’t wait to hear that you accomplished your big goal.
love it!! & YES i am working toward a goal! My first half marathon is in less than 3 weeks! EEEEK
what a great way to look at discipline! the connection to the GOAL – yess I am accomplishing some of my goals. I’ve been running more since I decided to run when i want to and not because i “have to”. I’m also payingmore attention to protein.
This is SO true!!