I was having a great conversation with good friend of mine this morning, Rebecca (Becky) Springfield about people being real and how we should be ourselves, not try to fit in (especially when it’s apparent that that’s not going to happen), and to just be what/who God created us to be.
“Stop trying to fit in when you were born to stand out.” -Movie: What a Girl Wants
It was an enlightening and confirming talk, because lately I’ve not felt like I ‘fit in’ where I am (which then again, if I were to REALLY think about it, I’d realize that I’ve never ‘fit in’).
And, over the course of the last few days, I’ve finally realized I’m not supposed to ‘fit in’!
I’m supposed to be ME!
And sure, many won’t like me but that’s fine, they don’t have to…only the ones that I’m supposed to be liked by and be around will!
That’s the way it should be, not dwelling on those who don’t like me because I’m different than they are…how boring would the world be if everyone was the same!
I’m who God created me to be!
I’m where He wants me to be (at least for now-and that’s a hard one to accept-especially when I don’t like where I am now! lol)
But, I need to simply be me…Tara Burner…Jesus lovin’, eco lovin’, Holy Yoga lovin’, health & fitness lovin’, helpful caring ME!
And, make money in whatever way He leads me and just do whatever it takes to be real and enjoy the life I have.
And God willing, I’ll inspire others along the way and be able to assist others to live the life they want….
whether they just need a boost in the right direction, someone to help them workout & get in shape (physically or spiritually) or whatever….
I don’t need to and aren’t supposed to be like other Inspiration/Life Coaches…
I’m me and will coach my way–by example and speaking from experience-not something others have picked up in books or school and not real life!
I don’t need (nor do I want) a fancy car or huge gas guzzling SUV (in fact I want a Smart Car!)
I don’t need (nor do I want) a huge house…in fact, Bethany Meneses-Green Architect and I already know
what kind of house I want her to design–one totally sustainable, eco-friendly complete with salt water beach entry pool and a place to teach yoga, meditation and hold Inspiration parties and to simply enjoy life!
So, that’s my inspiration for today….BE YOURSELF!
and, if you do need help along the way, I do offer help in a variety of ways.
Or, just continue to read the blog, or catch me on Twitter and Facebook where I’m always posting and communicating with others trying to make a difference in this world in some way.
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise. ~Johann von Goethe
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. ~Judy Garland
Interestingly, the more I am who I am, the more I feel like I fit in because I’m not trying to be something or someone I’m not. “I am simply the diamond-studded invitation welcoming women to live a life of transformation.” It’s all about flourishing!
That was a great read…thanks for writing it. Sounds like I could have written, it although it wouldn’t have been as well written by me, but so many of my thoughts. Wishing you a blessed week. Thanks for being an inspiration.

I’m sure it would’ve been well written by you….
you always post/write inspiring stuff on FB
Thanks for the comment, appreciate it…enjoy your week!
Marlee, Thanks for commenting…. and yes while the more you are you the more you’ll fit in..in the sense that you’ll fit in to what/who you’re supposed to be…not necessarily ‘fit in’ with those around you if that makes sense.
Awesome post Tara!! And yes,it is important to simply be YOU!! God created you and He doesn’t make mistakes!:)