There’s a saying….
People never change, they just become more of who they actually are….
at least that’s how it should be, but yet often times it’s not.
You encounter others in your life (family, friends, spouses, etc.) who try to change you and make you more of what they want.
You should not change to please someone else or fit the box they wish to put you in.
Be who you were born to be!
Be unique!
Be strong!
Be what they aren’t…YOU!
Stand up for who you are!
Believe in who you are!
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
You can accomplish it though!
Stand strong to your beliefs and who you are.
Not that I’m looking for love but think y’all know what I mean.
People should like/love/care about you as a person, the person you are…not the person they think they can mold you into for their own selfish wants.
I’d rather have a few who care, accept me for who I am than to alter who I am to fit their mold.
I’m finding out more and more every day that people are having a hard time “figuring me out”
Which is ironic since I think of myself as an easy person to figure out, what you see is what you get.
Though my bestest friend Julie, says I’m a paradox and that I’m constantly coming up with new ways to throw people off what they believe they know of me.
hmmmm perhaps it was too much telling her about bowling and my purple flower rubber rain boots from
But seriously, I’m just me.
Or maybe it was bit much with my bedazzled camo cargo shorts and my Rebel boots from
I’m honestly just me.
I wear what I want.
I don’t wear makeup (other than nail polish–love that)
I don’t do anything with my hair (wash and go)
I don’t fit any one type
I’m just me
and I’m good with that
“Be Yourself, everyone else is taken.”
— Oscar Wilde
That’s the way it should be!
Each one of us is unique and our own individual.
Don’t allow others to dictate who you are.
As for me…
I’m Tara Burner…
Blogger, runner, future power lifter (Yep I’m putting it out here so I hold myself accountable!), foodie, social media networker, reviewer, weight loss coach, not afraid of manual labor, sun lover, eco friendly greenie, no longer vegan but still not touching red meat, contemporary natural hippie flower child, friend to few but those I am know I’ll be there for them (I’m about quality not quantity) love an array of music from the oldies (yep I admit it-still remember listening to my dad’s vinyl and 8tracks, but I have to admit I am a big fan of karaoke, I even have some karaoke essentials from The Box Tiger Music so I can sign at home! wow yep I’m that old) to pop to Christian to Country (some..not all the achy breaky stuff–have to admit I love Carrie Underwoods “When He Cheats” song!), ironically love watching America’s Next Top Model and Jerseylicious (think the drama is hysterical), yet love action & war movies too. I’m just me…there’s no one or two words that can describe me other than being myself.
Question of the day
Are you being yourself?
Or do you find yourself changing to accommodate others?
Who are you?
Tell us one thing about yourself that others may not know
Ya know it’s interesting… when people have told me they have a hard time figuring me out, all that is, is me not fitting into what they hoped I’d be for them.
Like you, I’m easy. I’m fairly laid back, I shoot straight… I’ve been told before that I’m high maintenance, or tough to figure out… When someone tells me that, it’s a good sign I need to set them free – obviously, I’m not what they’d hoped I’d be, and I absolutely will not change to fit into whatever it is they want me to be… that’s just too much work
Don’t know how, but the first time I read this, I missed “future power lifter” OMG! How much do I love that?!?! You go girl!!!
I’ve been doing Crossfit for the last year and a half or so – I was doing it on my own, but got tired of not having all the equipment to correctly do the workouts… so I started going to a local box. As a result, I’ve been lifting REALLY heavy… I LOVE it. It is incredibly empowering… especially when your coach keeps loading your bar saying “that’s too light for you…” He loads it up to a point you’ll think you’ll never get it off the ground… but you do. OMG – it’s awesome! Can’t wait til you get started – you’ll rock it!
I love who you are and I accept you for who you are…you are a strong-willed, opiniated, beautiful woman who has been my friend for several years now. You also accept me for who I am and that is a wonderful thing my friend!
A few months ago I learned the hard way about phoney people and someone who I thought was my friend for years turned out to be a snake in the grass and not really my friend at all. Sad really…sad…
Love it.
Thanks for sharing.
I was just reading through your posts, found your blog a while back. I need to get back to being “myself.” It’s been a rough past couple years, and with a new baby your identity gets kinda buried/lost!n Working on it, bit by bit.