How many people work a large portion of their adult lives in a career or JOB they don’t truly enjoy?
I know many many years ago people had the mindset of “go to college, get a JOB, retire, die” and that was it.
It didn’t matter if they actually enjoyed the JOB or not.
It didn’t matter if they got bored with it and wanted to change their line of work, they simply stuck to it, doing the mundane chore every work day and hating it.
What’s wrong with actually enjoying what you do?
They say that the average American works 1952 hours a year.
Now, why would you want to spend approximately 84 full 24 hr days working a job you don’t like?
Life’s too short to not enjoy what you’re doing.
The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.”
~~Arnold Toynbee
Have you managed to blur the line?
Are you doing what you truly enjoy? if you are…EXCELLENT!
or are you suffering along? if you are…WHY?
Laurie Ayers says
Wasn’t it in the movie, Pursuit of Happyness where Will said, “We do what we have to do so that we can do what we want to do?” I left a fancy gov’t career in exchange for happiness. Entrepreneurship, while full of ups and downs, has given me an opportunity to no longer feel like I HAVE to GO anywhere or DO anything. Being the boss of me is most delightful.