Yes, you read the correctly…I want to know who you are.
We might know each other on Twitter or Facebook or even on LinkedIn but what do we really know of each other?
I’m sure you’ve seen (if not participated) in the “25 Random Things About Me” surveys in your notes on Facebook. You may or may not cringe when you’re tagged in one of those…you don’t have time or desire to list 25 random things about you, or perhaps you think it’s too personal and you don’t want to share with everyone…which is fine, but if you want your potential clients to trust you and get to know you better you’ll want to share!
I’m not going to ask you to do that, but what I am going to do is ask you to comment below and put 5-10 things about you that I (and others) may not know about you.
I want to know more about you, what you do, what you believe in, what you stand for, something odd, something funny, something outstanding, anything you feel like sharing…so, this is your opportunity to share with not only me but everyone!
Make sure to put your name, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and your website url as well so others who want to connect can do so easily.
p.s. I’ll be adding my 5-10 things in a comment shortly, so make sure to check back to read all the comments from others as well.
Hey Tara, I think you know me pretty well so this could be interesting… 5 things you don’t know about me…
– I have had pink, purple, dark brown, light brown, and bright red hair within the last 6 months
– I wore braces as a kid
– I love to read political thriller novels (Vince Flynn, David Baldacci, etc)
– I secretly wish I’d learned ballet as a kid and am thrilled my daughter wants to dance
– I’m terrified of spiders, water, and heights
How’s that? Did you know any?
And for those who don’t know me, you can find me at
Hi Tara,
Thank you for posting this. I think this is a great idea to connect to like-minded people and maybe even learn a thing or two about others. Some things you may not know about me is that I originally studied hospitality management and love working with people especially in a hotel environment. I am engaged and getting married next year March. I currently live in Mauritius but am originally from Cape Town. I only recently began working with the internet and first entered the world of twitter a couple of months ago. The more I read and hear about saving the environment and living responsibly, the more passionate I become about making a difference in the way I live. I love writing and sharing news about affordable but responsible travel hence, The Low Cost Traveller. Thoroughly looking forward to learning more about yourself and connecting with your fellow readers.
Hmmm, five things aren’t easy since we’ve been chatting for years but I’ll give it a go:
1. I had to choose between archaeology and zoology for college majors and switched my mind at the last minute when applying two different colleges. I graduated with two majors anyway (though not zoology).
2. My pinkie toes are sharp.
3. I love the color orange but rarely wear it as I think I look like a pumpkin.
4. I only named my daughter Vyolette because it was my husband’s birthday the next day so let him choose; otherwise she would have been her middle name: Stella.
5. The first day of class at my new high school in Oregon, there were sheep on the football field. I had come from San Francisco — there was a bit of culture shock.
Hi Tara:
You and I go way back as cyber buddies – let’s see if I can come up with a handful of new things to share about me.
1. Even though I come across as fairly out there and full of enthusiasm – I’m actually introverted. That means I re-charge my batteries when I’m alone. It actually makes sense – while I speak, put on workshops sometimes and create income as a marketing mentor – in my heart I see myself as a writer and writing is a pretty solitary activity.
2. I tend to come across as very strong and in control – that’s a part of who I am – that “Type A” person. But I’m also very open-minded and love to help others.
3. I’m a sucker when it comes to supporting people in going for their dreams. Yes, I make money at it with my business. But even if I can’t make money with it, say someone wants to become a doctor or a ballerina – I’ll take a few extra minutes to give ’em some encouragement and ideas to help make it possible.
4. I love working at hotels. Sometimes I just gotta get away from all the distractions of my home office. I like going to a beautiful hotel lobby. Most have free wifi these days and I’ll work without interruption. I never meet with my mentoring clients – but it’s great when I’m writing or strategizing or something else that requires focus.
5. I love being out in nature. Since Ernie and I live in Las Vegas we don’t get the opportunity to go to the mountains or to the ocean as often as we’d like. But just a glimpse of the pine trees or a beautiful azure sky is nature – and I want more and more of it.
How wonderful to post a way to get to know folks better. It’s weird you did this today. I just posted something like this on my fan page today! lol
I’m JoJo. I’m apparently old, ‘cuz I just got an email from Hoveround and two years ago mail from AARP. I’ll be 48 next month, but my dd has called me ancient since she was 3. Married 23 years to my college sweetheart. My dd, is a jr in college, now in Russia for the semester. I am still homeschooling my 11 y/o son. I am an author and speaker on the subject of communication skills. I love humor, ANYTHING purple and the Lord-not necessarily in that order. ;D
Ok before I get caught up in everything else I need to get done…
here are 5 things you may not know about me.
1) I hitch-hiked from PA to IN, almost back to PA, then to AL, MS before finally arriving in Miami, FL on Halloween night 1985
2) I want to learn Italian
3) I delivered newspapers in the wee hours of the morning before school when I was 11 (yep even waaaaaaaaaaaaay back then I was after the money!)
4) I’m working on new projects and FINALLY (at almost 43 yrs old) getting on the path to being what I want to be when I “grow up”
5) I want to have an eco friendly/sustainable home and spiritual/faith filled/natural/holistic retreat built (just dont know where and need the land, money to do it-have a green architect ( ) to design it…now where’s the land and money?
Michelle– sweeet on the hair color! and I also have to let everyone know you do great logo design
Samantha– congrats on upcoming wedding! and love to travel!
Stacey– wow I didn’t know that about Vyo! and ROFL to the sheep! sure you don’t look like a pumpkin!!!! I wanted to get into archeology but my #1 in my comment kept me from going to college (apologies to my dad for him being a college professor so we could go for free and I left town instead)
Denise– Did not know that about you and nature, being outdoors
I think I kinda new the rest.
JoJo– I’ll have to go ck. your fan page now, I had FB issues earlier and had to ‘confirm’ that I was really me and couldn’t get on for awhile so haven’t been on much other than to post my ‘note’ about this blog lol
ROFL about AARP and no you’re far from old! Congrats on 23 yrs of marriage – that’s excellent and yep know you love the Lord and purple too!
Hmmm, 5 things you don’t know about me…Since I’m pretty much an open book, I will share for those that may not know about me the following:)
1. I am a Doctor of Chiropractic by profession, no longer practicing but managing our Chiropractic office (yes, hubby is a Chiropractor too), also a mom to 5 children ~~hence Dr. Mommy
2. I love animals..wish I could live on a farm, but my city loving hubby won’t go for it:-( So, instead I have 3 doggies..yes, I’m crazy
3. I am a true NERD! Yep, I can be left at a bookstore and I will be in my glory:) I also love, love electronics..yep..I’m a NERD!
4. I love to write and have been doing it for as long as I can remember. My dream of writing a book came true and recently published my very 1st book ~ Dr. Mommy’s Life Lessons.
5. I have a bucket list written on a true bucket:) Yep, have a kid’s sand bucket that I painted my list on and on that list is definitely sky-diving.
And of course my favorite color is Red:) Ok, that’s six, but had to share:)
Hi Tara;
Love reading about others here – how fun! Hmmm five things….
1) I wore braces in 9th and 10th grade
2) I took acting classes as a kid
3) My mom always knew I’d end up in media of some sort…I was less convinced
4) I got my talk radio hosting job on a terrestrial radio station because of a twitter connection and the podcasts I’d done as a WAHM.
5) I LOVE cats. I used to collect everything cat-related as a kid: trinkets, note paper, stuffed animals, jewelry, calendars etc
Tara, for you my lovely I’d have done the full 25
1. I can wrap my legs around my head
2. I’d never been abroad until I was 21
3. I was the first person in my school to have my nose pierced (it’s since healed)
4. I went skydiving, just because a friend was over for dinner and mentioned how she’d love to. I’d never considered it before – but it was an amazing experience
5. I can sing “How Much Is That Doggy In The Window” in German
did not know about the love for cats…anything cats 
and sweeet to the radio hosting job and how you got it!
Daisy — we have 4 dogs between two houses so not crazy at all LOL
that’s cool that you have your bucket list on an actual bucket… though sky diving is not something I want to do…enjoy it when you do it
Katie <3 xx you're tooooo sweet
I still haven't been abroad (other than to Canada, can I count that lol) but we know I'm heading to the UK to see you sometime (soon I hope!)
and WOW you went sky and Dr Daisy should hook up...course that'd mean you need to come here to FL!!!!
and you can sing in I'm learning all kinds of new things about you!
We have known each other for so many years :-), I’m not sure what to put, but her goes…
1) I can say the alphabet backwards
2) I have 2 tattoos and don’t regret either
3) I’ve had the same best friend for 21years!!!
4) I’ve lost 3 people in my life to suicide
5) I’m an advocate for child abuse prevention and suicide prevention
6) I love the smell of fresh-cut grass
7) I secretly wish I were an actress (although I suppose its not a secret anymore..LOL)
Wow! Denise and I are so alike in her comments 1, 2 3 & 4 – ditto, ditto and ditto!
1. I despise seafood.
2. I’m obsessive when it comes to brushing my teeth. My Mom says I make Mentadent sandwiches, LOL! (It’s the only toothpaste I use)
3. I heart Dolly Parton and Randy Travis and would be in 7th heaven if I ever met them in person!
4. I’m really a very quiet and loner type person.
5. I love staying in 5 star hotels ~ especially Ritz Carlton’s
Becky…lol to #7 and not a secret anymore that you secretly want to be an actress
you’re tooo much! and hey you’re in Cali, go for it!!!
sorry about #4
I totally think #5 rocks!
I cannot say alphabet backwards
cool to having same best friend for 21 yrs!
Regina, tooo funny that you and Denise have many comments in common
and hey better to be obsessive about brushing your teeth than not brushing at all!
Thanks for sharing so all of us get to know more about you.
5 things about me… hmmmmmm
1. I ride a honda rebel motorcycle
2. I love to knit
3. love, love, love Writing, any kind of writing… I love writing! Have 5 blogs, 3 email newsletters, a digital magazine AND write for 2 other blogs. AND I write content for clients who want to redesign/expand their websites
4. Almost anything made with Patron (tequila) or avocados (but not together)
5. My favorite place to visit so far has been Portugal (although Egypt is a very close second)
Thanks for allowing me to share my 5 things… Love this and am going to invite my LinkedIn Group to do the same. Tahnk you for the wonderful idea…..
Heidi, LOL to the tequila and avocado (but not together). I have no clue how to knit! Egypt is on my list of places I’d like to go
Thanks for sharing with everyone
I’m pretty much an open book but I’ll share this:
1) I was the 4th grade spelling champion at my school and missed qualifying for the state finals because I missed the word “autonomy” I spelled it autanomy” To this date I HATE that word
2) My favorite place in the world wide world is St.Lucia
3) I wrote Tricia Nixon as a part of a science fair project and got a response on White House stationary. It was the coolest!
4) One of my old boyfriends is the brother of Walter Williams–a member of the singing group, The O’Jays.
5) I was homeless for a short period after leaving my first husband.
This will be the ONLY time I share this.
Beverly, Thanks LOTS for sharing
Means a lot- that you trust us all and are able to really connect.
Blessings to you!!!!!! <3
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