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Ask yourself what makes you come alive,
and go do that, because what the world needs
is people who have come alive.
— Howard Thurman

My daughter and I recently took a mini-vacation to Charleston, SC. Even with the fact that we were only gone for four days (and part of that was driving to and from) the time there was relaxing and thought provoking.
The days were spent sitting on Folly Beach, walking around historic Charleston, taking a carriage ride (if you go to Charleston, you must go to Old South Carriage Co (The Red Sash) and see Sean he’s great tour guide), swinging on the pier at Waterfront Park, enjoying good food and relaxing times. There were no obligations, no schedules, no stressful business, no headaches, no computers (can you fathom!) – just enjoyable peaceful times…time to really think about what is going on in life (all areas-desires, goals, wants, business, spiritual).
When we returned it was far from what we had just enjoyed…it was back to the loud foul mouthed people who live in this apartment complex, back to work, dealing with business deals, crashed laptop and other situations. However, what I gained during the peaceful time in Charleston was the ability to see through some of the haze of every day life here knowing & focusing on the fact that these situations are temporary and that in the right time we’ll be able to move to a better, more peaceful quiet place, my laptop will be salvaged, business deals will proceed even without the help of a business broker and I’m able to stand in faith and trust that what I really want to do and what I enjoy will soon be a reality and not just something I think about.
I’m in the process of making the quote above a reality in my life…are you? If not, why not? Need help? Let me know.
Love the qoute Tara and your blog, first time I’ve been here:-). I’m on vacation for the weeks with the family and no doubt will have a similar reality check when we get home on Friday… I’ll remember Thurman!