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Compliments of my friend Tammy Lance and her husband Al daring me to eat a lima bean….
I did…I ate ONE…grrrrrrooss!
While I’m an advocate of clean whole eating…nobody should have to eat lima beans! lol
FYI: Lima beans can catch fire in microwave as you’ll partially see in video
*Disclaimer* Ignore the clear strappy thing hanging from my shirt part way through…in my defense I just found this tank top in my closet and apparently never cut those things out like I normally do because they drive me nuts!
And, here you go…
and I shall remain…the Scion lovin, lima bean hatin’ Tara!
Question of the day
What vegetable do you absolutely hate?
Did I overuse the word gross?! lol
maybe try the lima beans NOT in a can!?
I buy frozen ones and LOVE them
Well I must say young lady that I am mighty proud of ya….didn’t think you had it in you lol. I will agree on a single point that canned are far from as good as fresh or frozen, but I like them all. Point to ponder: If you ever decide to get into prepping in the event of SHTF as Tammy and I do, for heaven’s sake don’t stockpile lima beans, for I fear you will not be able to survive lol……..Prep with things you like and desire…….Ta Ta for now and God Bless
Too funny Meg, Tammy the one who dared me to do it just posted on my FB wall about frozen…regardless of what form they’re in I detest lima beans! LOL always have, always will…ditto with peas!
LOL Al, hey Tammy and you dared me I had to do it…
I couldnt find fresh…but I soooo remember as a kid sitting for HOURS at the table til parents left the kitchen then my brother & I would trash them!
I’ll have lots of granola and nuts stashed! I can live on that! LOL but noooooo lima beans!
Well I sit here in utter amazement regarding the fact that you also don’t like peas……I love them also…….as I do most all vegetables……very few that I don’t like…..Perhaps in your case you should create a list of the apparently very few veggies that you do like…….might be easier than listing those that you don’t………just sayin’ lol
LOL Al! The only ones I truly detest are lima beans and peas, oh and beets.
otherwise I pretty much will eat all other veggies
Though I don’t like cooked carrots, but love them raw and I only eat corn on the cob…it cannot be frozen or canned then its just gross…
Thanks for you and Tammy daring me, least I know I still don’t like lima beans!
Well in conclusion let me just say that you took the dare that Tammy put forth and for that I am proud of you…..I suppose if the SHTF and you happen to make it to West Viginia, we can make you some fantastic Pinto Beans and Cornbread……but hold the lima beans, beets, peas, and cooked carrots, and only have corn on the cob….and from that point on anything goes lmao as you say you like everything else……..have a great evening and God Bless……I am going to hit the sack……God Bless
hee hee Al, and side note…I love corn bread and pinto beans…
blessings to you and your wonderful wife!
I agree with frozen vs canned veggies. I actually loathe eating veggies from a can. My hubs thinks I am crazy, but I just don’t like the taste. Other than that – I haven’t met a veggie I don’t like yet!
Great job taking the challenge!
Haha I loved this! I’m with the girls above– You should have tried a fresh or frozen one instead of canned!
I demand a re-test!!
Hahahaha so funny. I actually don’t mind them much. But my husband hates them almost as much as you do. He had the same traumatizing child hood experience where his mom made him eat them. I was gonna mix them in pasta salads in place of soy beans but he said absolutely not!
yep. again we are tototototally alike