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It’s Saturday…
time for a sneak peek into what’s coming up this week.
I have an awesome x-back powermax tank top and Everyday pants from Lucy Activewear
And of course after training and working, to relax I’ll be doing review on Acai Berry Infused Dead Sea Bath Salts from San Francisco Bath Salt Company
To snack on, 5 different flavor tortilla chips from Food Should Taste Good and yes there’ll be 5 but only one pictured here.
Finally, some makeup from Ferro Cosmetics.
These are just a few of things that’ll be coming to you this week on the review & giveaway front.
On another note, I want to clarify since there seems to be a bit of confusion over on Facebook.
I’m still very much doing diet/weight/food coaching along with now being in charge of Social Media for Paul Bange Roofing, as well as Social Media for Hendry Racing. I also have some clients that I do Tweets for, Facebook updates for and help promote via WillPostForYou.com
So, as usual it’d appear I have a lot going on but my schedule is still free to do what I have to do and I’m lovin’ what I’m doing.
Nothing has changed, only improved!
If you need coaching or hypnosis services, let me know!
If you need me to tweet something or update Facebook for you or promote you, let me know.
If you want me to do a review and/or giveaway for you, let me know!
“Nothing has changed, only improved!” <— LOVE!!!
I love following everything you're doing – keep up the good work
Thanks Jenn

appreciate you & your comment!!!
I’ve gotten some flack from some since I personally am eco-lovin’ but yet racing isn’t…so because I’m doing their social media somehow that makes me non-green?! If the greenies who have issue w/that would like to pay me weekly to NOT do social media for a non-green company they’re more than welcome to! lol
And, others were wondering when I started roofing…which oddly enough I did do…great way to get sun, a workout and get paid…but those days are behind me, just doing social media now for them
So thank you again Jenn!
OMG I want everything in the pic! Can’t wait!
went to the makeup website. it lookes awesome.