I know it’s the holidays, I know people wait until the last minute to ship things. I know people can be rude.
I see it every year, though I keep hoping that there would come a time when people would:
1) Get their things shipped out early.
2) Be decent to the people that work at the post office.
3) Quit blaming others and being so nasty, foul and rude.
Today I was in line at the post office. Normally I don’t have to stand in line since I use stamps.com and can just drop off my packages. That’s an awesome thing in itself, but when I have orders that are being shipped out of the country I do have to stand in line because of the customs paperwork. Today there were probably about a dozen people in front of me in line and about another 6 or 7 behind me at some point. I stood there, minding my own business, texting on my phone, not really paying attention to anything when this woman started yelling and complaining about the line and how there were only 2 cashiers working. Okay, so screaming is going to somehow help the situation and bring someone else to the front line? Nope…didn’t happen. All it did was get others in line to join in her rampage. Not cool, and it certainly didn’t speed things up…all it did was get her an earful from me about how rude she was.
I know almost everyone who works at this particular post office (front line and in the back). I know that one gentleman just lost his job and others have been transferred. I know that they’ve made major cut backs (like everywhere else too). I know all this, I know that the 2 front line workers can’t change the situation, they can’t bring out another person when another doesn’t exist! I know that the same jerks in line who are complaining about the long line are the same jerks who complain when once a year the post office raises their rates (hellooooo people…everything goes up in a years time). I know the same loud mouthed rude people are the same ones that probably every year wait until the last minute to ship things and then stand there and yell about the cost of priority or express mail. Well, to those inconsiderate people yelling at my friends…perhaps next time you’ll shop early, ship early and you’ll avoid the line and the complaining.
Perhaps next time when you’re standing in line at the post office, do these things instead of complain and yell:
1) Be patient and if you can’t be patient then learn how to use the automated machine in the lobby so you won’t have to stand in line (unless you’re shipping out of the US).
2) Be grateful you’re in a country where postal service is readily available and offered.
3) Be considerate of the people around you (because I really do not want to have to verbally battle you in line to show how ignorant and self centered you are but I will if you complain, yell about the line, etc.)
4) Be considerate of the people who are working there and waiting on you because they have to suffer and endure 8-12 hours of work dealing with nasty foul people like you.
5) Get off your cell phone when you are being waited on because I can guarantee you if the worker turns to say something to another co-worker, you get all bent out of shape about how they should be waiting on you…well same goes for you…the worker really doesn’t want to hear your gossip on the phone and you’re also delaying the line so that others like you can scream, holler about how long it’s taking.
6) Don’t wait until the Monday before Christmas to ship your last minute gifts and get upset that you have to pay more or upset that there’s a long line because you’ll just be surrounded by all the others who think (or don’t think) like you by waiting til the last minute then blaming the postal workers.
7) Try to imagine that whatever it is you have to do after leaving the post office isn’t as important as you may believe it to be thus justifying your nastiness towards others.
ahhhhh I feel better now…and for those who go to the post office on the border of Pembroke Pines & Hollywood, FL you can see who I am from the pic on the blog…if you’re going to complain, be rude, nasty and argue…you’ll want to make sure that I’m not inline near you.
Chuck Bartok says
Thank you for such Common Sense Sanity and Good Manners.
I’ll never Forget Ramon Williamson’s answer to question “What do you attribute your Success to?”
One of four responses was
“Always say Please and Thank you!”
Julie A. says
Amen to all of that!! I wish more people would think like you and I. Hopefully what you wrote will at least reach one person that handled their situation at the post office badly and will rethink the next time they go back. Thanks Tara for a great post for this time of year.