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Yep, today’s day 6 of April’s Photo A Day Challenge
and yea ok so my lunch is more like breakfast but it’s what I just had for lunch.
English muffin with some of my friends yummmmmy Bumbleberry Jam on it!
So what was breakfast? Were the words “chocolate” or “bunny” in there?http://funandfit.org/2012/04/easter-workout/
LOL i didnt have breakfast..thus ‘lunch’ was at 11 a.m.
and I love your easter workout at http://funandfit.org/2012/04/easter-workout/ pinned it too!! and put on http://www.facebook.com/taraburner.healthyliving and hmmmm no choc or bunnies here…unless Christa convinces me to make this bunny butt cake then….I’ll really need your workouts!