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I was having an interesting discussion yesterday with a group of people regarding “friends” and “followers” on Facebook and Twitter to mention the two big ones.
We were talking about how some people have 500 friends on Facebook but yet probably don’t even “know” the majority of them nor ever will. They’re all about the “numbers”. They can have 500 “friends” on Facebook but not even 5 in “real life”. Others on Twitter thrive to reach the 2000 followers level and yet I have to wonder how can they have quality relationships with that many people. There are some I can think of off top of my head who’ve been on Facebook and Twitter for just a few months and have collected as many friends, followers as possible and yet don’t build relationships with them and especially don’t build relationships with those that are live, up close in their real time local positions.
There are some who are in a position to which they should be up close and personal with people locally, yet if one wants to know what’s going on they can only find it out via Facebook and Twitter. I’m all for networking, social, business and otherwise. I’m all for technology, ease in updating multiple sites/networks in one swoop but when it comes to local organizations I believe some things are better said in person and other things better not said at all. Some people tell waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much on networks, post nonsense that can negatively affect them…some are in the public eye and are held to a higher level of accountability and yet post dribble drabble (anyone still use that term?)…they post cliquey posts that would make others in the same organization possibly feel like they should not be part of that group and question the posters motives. People should really think how the general population will perceive them after reading their posts and/or updates.
Now, me…I tell everyone up front that I’m a straight shooter, tell it like I see it, say what I have to say & mean what I say…so this way nobody can say that I said something about someone because I’ll say it to that person myself. I don’t talk nonsense behind someone’s back, if I have an issue with something or someone…they’ll know it.
Yet others on networks attempt to build themselves or their organizations up by collecting as many friends/followers and yet have no clue that in all reality, they’re being destructive and making a fool of themselves, having people question what that person is doing. If a person is in a position of authority and higher accountability, that person probably should want to watch what he/she posts on Twitter or Facebook so it’s not viewed as trivial nonsense, waste, favoritism, lack of communication to others who don’t participate on networks, lack of compassion, lack of thought…you get the idea…
I have 165 friends on Facebook, out of those 165 I personally know probably 150 of them from past high school, business relations, connected on Twitter and actual real time friendships. I can tell you something about nearly every one of them. Isn’t that what “friends” are supposed to be. My connections for business, are the same…I can tell you about their biz and vice versa, they can tell you about mine.
Likewise on Twitter, I have more followers than what I follow. I do not simply follow someone because they are following me. I’m not about “numbers” and the game to see who can “collect” the most followers or friends. I prefer quality over quantity. I’d rather know the people I’m friends with and following and build a relationship with select people rather than have 2000 people connected to me and build no relationship at all.
Sorry for the ramble, but it had to be said after seeing a lot of nonsense lately that has had me shaking my head wondering what gives with some people.
Sadly, though the people that this blog post is about will either:
a)not read it because they’re too into their own lives and building their numbers
b)read it and yet not get that it pertains to what they’re doing
c)figure out that does pertain to them and unfollow me on Twitter (lol)
To those who network the right way…here’s to you!
Amen Tara! Well said. So true about your final a) b) c) points. One other point I’d like to make on this topic is the incredible amount of children’s photos I see on FB! You really can’t tell me that only near and dear real life friends view those pages. Countless people, strangers, now have access to information about their precious children. It’s naive to think that’s a safe practice. I know I’ll never find pics of Tara’s kiddos online nor will you of mine. Unfortunately we’re in the minority on that one.
AMEN Laurie to the kids pics…I’ve already forewarned anyone ‘connected’ to me that might have pics of mine that they are NOT to post them online. It never ceases to amaze me how much personal info some people put out there regarding their kids. Sadly, yep you and I are the minority in that department
Very well put Tara! It is sad that so many people do actually what you just talked about. I mean, it’s like aren’t we all adults here. I guess some take longer to grow up than others. Thanks for this blog and for always being so honest and up front. That truly goes a long way! I hope you have a wonderful week and keep doing what you’re doing:)
What a fantastic post! SM is becoming such a huge part of our everyday lives. Interesting perspective. thanks!
Mark, it’s like this…I ‘know’ you…I know you’re in MN, you’re athletic, you have an awesome blog at http://blog.marksalinas.com/
You’re active on Twitter, you carry on conversations and know your followers…you have more followers than you follow which is always a sign of discretion and I’m honored to be in the part you follow
You’re not there just racking up “numbers” and posting gossipy dribble to build yourself up…you’re inspiring and helping others…that’s what it’s about, because ultimately in the end, you’ll benefit from those relationships whereas the ones building their connections just to drone on will get nothing substantial out of it.
Thanks for your comment on my comment! I appreciate it!