Gandhi’s Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World
1. Change yourself. (So many are caught up in trying to change others that they overlook the obvious person in need of change…themselves! You change yourself by how you think and what you think, which then changes how you feel and what you do…thus everything changes…)
2. You are in control. (totally true even when I don’t feel it. But I am in control of how I let what others think of me or what others say about me or try to put me down affect me. Others and their words have no control over me unless I allow it and react to it.)
3. Forgive & let go. (sometimes easier said than done even knowing I should yet oh so hard. Also reflects on #2 because if we don’t forgive then we’re letting that person or situation dictate how we are today. Forgiving is a necessity and a sign of faith and strength.)
4. Without action, you aren’t going anywhere. (so true-and if you want to reach your goals, you have to constantly be moving forward.)
5. Take care of this moment. (This very moment is the only one we have. The past is over and done with, the future unknown. Rather than worry or stress over events that may or may not happen…live and enjoy the moment you’re having right now.)
6. Everyone is human. (The Bible even talks about this sorta…Psalm 146:3 Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. Meaning, not to rely on people because ultimately they’ll let you down. We often times hold people to unreasonable standards that will eventually create unnecessary conflict and disappointment so realize people make mistakes, they’re only human and go on. I know I’m guilty of this…expecting people to be/do/act a certain way and then they don’t and it annoys the heck outta me!)
7. Persist. (In other words… Keep on keeping on. Eventually you’ll have your victory, as long as you continue on.)
8. See the good in people and help them. (again sometimes easier said than done…can I blame it on the fact that some people make it near impossible to see the good because they bury it so deeply? Hey, just going with #9 and being myself but seriously if we can focus on the good in people it’d be a lot better…and they (who are they anyhow?) say that there’s something good about everyone (not totally sure of that but let’s go with that thought for right now) If we look for the good, then it kinda has a snowball effect of good and positive things standing out more in our life.)
9. Be congruent, be authentic, be yourself. (that ones easy…the be yourself part…that I am and often get bashed, hated, chastised for it but I am who I am.)
10. Continue to grow and evolve. (again, easy…and something I do constantly..evident by all the change/growth that goes on even on this blog)
Question of the day
What is your favorite quote?
Nicole says
so hard to pick one of these… my favorite overall quote is “follow your bliss” by joseph campbell
Mark Harris says
My current favourite is “You’ll see it when you believe it” from Wayne Dyer. Very appropriate for me and my work at the moment.