Well, it’s almost that time of year again.
I’ll be 42 on 1/20 (yep, not afraid to say my real age!)
It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings
A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip. ~Author Unknown
Meanwhile, now’s a good time to start “cleaning house” of what doesn’t fit in with my plans.
The minute you choose to do what you really want to do it’s a different kind of life ~~ R Buckminster Fuller
I’m selling many of my existing websites that I simply don’t have time nor desire to maintain and promote the way they should be.
You can take advantage of my “birthday cleaning house” phase and pick up any of these at the reduced rates because I’d like these to be gone and me to be able to focus on other avenues.
Do you really want to look back on your life and see how wonderful it could have been had you not been afraid to live it?~~Caroline Myss
If you’re interested in any of the sites, please email me.
I accept all credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover) as well as PayPal.
Sites that are for sale:
Visit each site to see what all is included in the sale!
Will also consider offers.
AGreenCoach.com ~ $150
AllThingsEcoFriendly.com ~ $200
AskYourGreenQuestions.com ~ $200
BeGreenOnABudget.com ~ $250
DoSomethingForYourself.com ~ $200
EarthFriendlyFundraisers.com ~ $150
EcoFriendlyWeddingPlanner.com ~ $200
EcoTuesdays.com ~ $150
GoGreenHomeParties.com ~ $150
GoGreenHomeMakeover.com ~ $200
GoGreenOfficeMakeover.com ~ $200
GreenBlogAdvertising.com ~ $100
GreenGiveawayContest.com ~ $250
GreenSampleBox.com ~ $250
TheGreenTipOfTheDay.com ~ $500
TheGreenTravelGuide.com ~ $200
SWBrowardGreenFair.com ~ $300
Happy Early Birthday Tara!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Thinking about you and hoping all is well.