Ok weird topic but one that I have to get off my chest.
I back my car into all parking spots.
It’s easier for me and it’s faster when I want to leave, I get in the car and off I go!
Now, I’ve been told lately that this is a “guy thing” and only “guys” back their vehicles into their parking spots.
Well, hmmmph as you can tell from the pic, I am NOT a guy! LOL
Some say it’s a “control thing”…perhaps.
Some say it’s too hard to back into a spot…to those people, I fear how they’d parallel park between two parked cars! LOL
oh wait, they’ve pretty much done away with parallel parking. haven’t they?!
Now, I’m all for backing in…like I said, I can jump in the car, turn the key and off I go.
However, I have two things that totally annoy me about the backing up process.
1) When in a shopping center parking lot and I’m quickly backing into my spot, if a car comes up on me and can clearly see reverse lights and car moving in reverse WHY do they think they can attempt (note the key word attempt) to swoop into the spot I’m backing into?
Reality is this, I can back into a spot in one fail swoop so do not try to zip into the spot, because you’ll lose! I’ll win and you’ll look like a putz for having tried to steal my spot by zipping in front first!
2) If you don’t know how to back into a spot… GO PRACTICE! Somewhere! Anywhere! Anywhere that is other than in the shopping center parking lot where you take 7 or 8 attempts and block other traffic in the process.
All that creates is a lot of humor and laughter along with a undertone of annoyance.
It’s rather entertaining watching someone though if you have the time to spare:
They pull forward
then slooooooooooooowly start to back up then opppps wrong angle…
start over
pull forward again at new angle
slooooooooooooooowly start to back up
drat almost clipped that car on the left
pull forward again a bit further
and keep doing this til either
a) they give up and go to another parking spot
b) those of us waiting and laughing finally get to you and you give up and go to another parking spot
c) you are brave, you spend another 5 minutes and finally finally get your vehicle parked, but it’s at an angle and over the lines..oh well…let the other person figure out how to open their door without hitting your vehicle
Seriously, it’s not really that difficult to back into a parking spot and stay between the lines!
If it is, then you really should not be driving…and especially around me.
So, whether a “guy thing”, a “control thing” or simply just an experienced driver thing call it what you want, I’ll keep backing into my parking space so I can leave effortlessly while you still struggle to get your car backed into a space keeping it between the lines!
LOL Tara! you are so right. I back in to spots as well altho not ALL spots, esp in big parking malls. I don’t want to take my life in my hands. I used to drive a huge oversize van for work and I would back into spots all day long so I could get and go. I am also a 1 shot parallel parker. In fact one day my son and I were going to dinner and I parked parallel on the street in a tiny spot, you know how people hog the lines, well I got out and some guy made a comment on what a good parking job that was. Didn’t know how I put my big SUV in there. I just replied that guys aren’t the only people that know how to park. Sexism is still alive and well in America! LOL
Yeesh that’s not a MAN thing or a control thing – it’s common sense. I always back in too – and actually everyone should be doing that! We posted about that months ago http://blog.defensivecountermeasures.com/safe-parking-lot-practices/
Keep doing what you’re doing, maybe the others will figure out you’re only doing what you’re supposed to do!
Maybe I should hire you for driving lessons? lol
I don’t parallel park or back up into spaces. In fact I find a spot where there is PLENTY of room for me just so I avoid any potential problems. My depth perception is not great so I’m always afraid I’m going to hit something!
Great post, Tara! : )