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It’s Tuesday, that means a “T” word theme for the day.
And today’s is two T’s but variation of same word: Tempting & Temptation
Tempting-enticing or inviting
1.the act of tempting; enticement or allurement.
2.something that tempts, entices, or allures.
3.the fact or state of being tempted, especially to evil.
Temptations can come in many areas of our lives…
food, chocolate, sex, drugs, smoking, gambling, social media (yes you can be overly tempted on Facebook), overwhelmed to tweet, compulsive shopping, the need to reblog something on Tumblr, get in relationships with the wrong people, steal, lie….
The list goes on.
Sadly, nobody is above temptation.
Life is full of struggles, trials, and temptations so don’t despair-you’re not alone.
You can overcome temptation and get through it. Go to a drug rehab center near you or go here to this website to find rehab centers to help you with your addiction.
“’Tis one thing to be tempted, another thing to fall.”
William Shakespeare
Temptation goes back to Biblical times…
I mean we all know the story of Adam and Eve, even none Christians know this story.
The serpent comes to Adam and Eve in the garden and tempts them with a lie. Adam knows the truth because God told him. Eve doesn’t know, because she wasn’t told by God. Satan uses deception and doubt to get to Eve. And Adam, well he chooses to do what he knows is wrong for whatever reason.
Some synonyms of Temptation are: a lie, a snare, a trap, an allurement, a come on, a seduction.
Temptation is basically a lie, an attempt to lure you into something that may not be good for you and yet deceives you into thinking it is.
Adam got caught up in the snare, trap, while Eve got entrapped by the lie and allure of what the serpent told her.
Are you getting stuck in the snare?
Here are some tips on how you can overcome temptation in your life:
~Identify your temptations. Knowing what areas of your life you’re tempted in is a starting point. This enables you to recognize problem areas and allows you to work at overcoming and/or avoiding situations that would create temptation for you.
—Wanting to indulge in an abundance of food will only create guilt later on, or worse yet physical ailments (from stomach aches, headaches to more serious issues if the behavior is continued on regular basis.)
—Wanting to shop and buy whatever you want can lead to obvious financial strain which then leads to other issues (depression, guilt).
~Know what triggers these temptations. Some are obvious, others you may really have to do some deep soul searching, praying for answers to.
—Some common triggers are: boredom, insecurity, stress, desire for attention, frustration, lack of faith, the need to prove something to someone, indecision.
~Now that you know what you’re tempted by, avoid those areas. If you’re tempted by baked goods, don’t go in a bakery. If you’re tempted by the slot machines, but don’t know where to go then take a look at https://www.boomtownbingo.com/a-z-reviews, even if you have the best birthday ideas in Las Vegas for your birthday, I suggest to read the betvictor guide, which is better than assisting to a Casino. If you’re tempted by shoes, don’t go to the mall. If you’re tempted by alcohol, don’t buy any or go to the liquor store. You get the idea right? After that fun, maybe you can go to an internet connected device and play into an uk online casino.
~If you’re tempted to stay online (wasting time, not being productive) then set a timer to allow an allotted amount of time in social media. Once the timer goes off, your time is done…get back to your daily obligations.
~Think about what will happen if you succumb to the temptation.
—guilt, negative feelings, weight gain, headaches, hang overs, illness, self loathing,
~Replace the temptation with a distraction.
—if you’re feeling tempted to overeat, go for a walk or do something active.
—if you’re being tempted to go shopping, look through a magazine instead.
—if you’re feeling depressed or in need of attention, go get a mani/pedi, do your hair, take a long bubble bath
~Try visualization.
—If you’re craving baked goods, visualize the items you want, experience it in your mind-the aroma, the actual item, imagine being in the bakery and resisting the pastries. Keep practicing this until the temptation subsides.
~Seek help.
—Try hypnosis to help you overcome your temptations.
—Consider a coach to assist you.
—Ask friends and family to be a support system for you.
The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
~1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT
What are you tempted by?
How do you overcome the temptation?
Another great blog post Tara. I sure get lots out of your blog and your a great coach for me too.
Love the new look of your page. As always so good to see your name on my inbox! I appreciate the Bible verses. It means a lot to me. So nice to some people aren’t afraid to profess their Faith!! Pam
Pamela, glad you enjoy the posts and I’m never afraid to profess my faith
I am blessed and i have learned to handle a lot of issues here. God bless you for this wonderful work.