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Interesting word, Support…
to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
For this blog post, when I discuss support it’s in reference to working out, training…that type of support!
I was just over at FitnessCollaborative reading others thoughts on support.
Like Rachel mentioned support is key and comes in variety of forms…
Now, I do have support with my Alo performance top and my Brooks Switch4 running shoes but other than that, I’ve got no support locally when it comes to my fitness program, running 5K’s, having anyone push me out the door or cheering me on.
I do consider my friends and tribe on Twitter, Facebook and other social medias to be my support system though.
I’m participating in Hotter than Hades Virtual Half Marathon, and while I have nobody here motivating me I am accountable and get motivation and pushed by others online to get going and get it done! So, I’m not totally without a support system…just lacking a local in person one is all.
If my dad was local to me, I’m sure he’d support me at 5K’s and ideally I’ll be doing a real half marathon sometime soon (need to really start training for that). However, 1200 miles between us means I’m doing it solo here. Ironically, I was actually mulling this over the other day. The Princess Half Marathon at Disneyland is early next year and I was just thinking if I did go (which I won’t be ready for, so perhaps in 2013) I’d have nobody cheering me on. Of course, going to Disney I’d take my daughter but yet not totally sure on that since who would watch her while I was running. See, not as easy as one would think when there’s nobody local to help out.
So, what do you do when you don’t have anyone local pushing you to achieve your goals?
Simple….push on and motivate yourself…what else can you do?! Giving up and not doing anything isn’t an option!
Do you have a close knit support system?
We’re here for you Tara and yes – you can totally be ready for the Proncess Half in Feb! Once you can run 8k, it only takes 16 weeks (4 mos) to be half marathon ready!
Thanks Janice…and i’m probably going to have to for-go Princess Half in Feb for a multitude of reasons
so 2013 unless I have a few miracles before then! 
What a fantastic post!! Thanks Tara for sharing!!
Hey Tara
I just moved to California so I totally understand where you are coming from. I used to live in Atlanta where I was a member of a running group where we supported and pushed each other. We were a close knit family. Now I am here and I don’t have that same support system;I haven’t run once since I’ve been here. I finally decided that I am going to have to learn to be my own support system! Thanks for a great post.