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Yes, I am an independent consultant with Krysalis Fit, selling the latest in fitness gear and wear.
If you haven’t heard of the company, that’s because they’re fairly new.
I did a showcase of the starter kit and the equipment and products in it that’ll get you going with this business.
There are two kits available, this is the larger kit.
(note, if you sign up by tonight at midnight you can get $20 off your starter kit)
the video is 14 minutes long, I show all the fitness gear, equipment and clothing that’s included but if you don’t want to watch the entire thing just go to FitBodyConsultant.com and click on “enroll now” and it’ll bring up the page with the 2 starter kits and you can click on each of them for more information, details, and to sign up.
*anyone else sometimes really hate the screen that youtube uses?*