There’s been a lot of hoopla (does anyone really use that word besides me?) over something that recently happened regarding Anytime Fitness and a PR pitch for a book.
Now mind you I didn’t get all into the conversation on multiple blogs (til now)
It’s been blogged about by many influential bloggers…
I think it started (or at least where I first saw it) with Leah at Mamavation
and then The Anti Jared defended Chuck Runyon and Anytime Fitness…
*update* The Anti Jared’s follow up to what happened earlier today on another AWESOME bloggers blog.
Then some other bloggers posted and comments were open and gaining $10 donation per post for Limbs For Life. but then were shut down for reasons…(hate when other bloggers who are caring compassionate awesome get shot down by nastiness, trolls, meanness and other nonsense *sigh*)
I’m going to the flip side of this whole debate, uproar…
Now, yes we know it hurts some people to hear the word fat.
I personally don’t give words power…
I learned not to long ago (having had a big butt even though I was in sports) you just learn sometimes to turn a deaf ear towards certain words and not them rule your life.
Moving on…
nobody wants to get their feelings hurt
nobody wants to be called fat, ugly or any other demeaning word.
nobody should be judged by weight or appearance
And, this goes both ways!
While everyone’s in an uproar over the use of the word fat.
I seldom see people getting all pissed off about someone referring to someone as too thin or too skinny.
Though today, there was a rant about people making comments about others…like what I’m talking about over at
I have a teen daughter who’s constantly being told by family, friends of family and random strangers to eat something and all kinds of other inappropriate comments.
Now, where on earth do people get off thinking they have the right to do this (especially the random person)?
My daughter eats…and eats…and eats…
She’s thin.
She’s not unhealthy.
She’s not anorexic.
She’s not bulimic.
She’s beautiful (and I’m not just saying that because I’m biased)
She’s who she is.
But, people need to keep their stupid inconsiderate comments to themselves.
Is it because they long to be a lower weight (thus thinner/skinnier than they currently are) so they feel the need to put down others who are naturally that way?
So, while everyone’s in an uproar of the use of “fat” in a title of an email for a book, what about those on the other realm?
I’ve seen books with “skinny” in the title…
example: Skinny Bitch books who the first line on their site is offense but yet nobody’s screaming and blogging about them?
why not…
Guess my point is this…words are words
and while some of us can take them with a grain of salt (which took years to be able to do dont get me wrong)
others are and can be hurt by them
So, perhaps go with the if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all concept from way back when….
Meanwhile, yes I know this has little (if anything at all) to do with the original postings about Anytime Fitness and Chuck’s PR pitch but it did open a small crack in the door for me to vent about the opposite end of the spectrum.
Thought to remember…
Politely, calmly and rationally comment below
(and yes comments are set on moderated status because I won’t have allow any nonsense here)
Diane says
I so agree Tara. I do find it offensive when people call someone fat but I’m like your daughter and on the other side of all of this and yes it hurts when people act like I starve myself to be this size. I eat and eat A LOT. All names hurt if meant in that way ๐
Robyn says
I’m fat and I know that. It doesn’t bother me when people say it but I always wonder why they feel the need to. I won’t always be this big. I’ve lost close to 45 pounds and have another 45 or so to go and I will do it, regardless of what someone calls me.
Ted says
I was following this thread on another blog and while I may be the odd one the use of the word fat wasn’t used properly but was an attention getter. I may or may not read the book that started all this hoopla (as you call it lol). Now I’m off to the gym so nobody can call me fat.
Leah Segedie says
I agree with you about the term “skinny”…ironically, most of the time when I hear it in MY circles, it’s a compliment. But there isn’t a single time I remember hearing FAT being a compliment…unless its referring to a Thanksgiving turkey.
I think we need to get over our body type already and focus on health, what is that, and how can we achieve that. And then be welcoming to ALL people who want to get healthier. I mean when I was 200 lbs. I was healthier than most women weighing 140 lbs. Had nothing to do with my size and EVERYTHING to do with my stamina, heart beats per minute, and good cholesterol.
I’m rambling…again…I tend to do that…XXOO
women blog says
Beautiful blog and great photos!!!