Sticking with “T” themes for Tuesday.
Today’s is Taste
Ok, so the cutie here, well ummmm he is tasting grapes and his image here has nothing to do with the fact he’s a cutie.
Taste has a few different definitions but I like this one the best: to perceive or distinguish the flavor of anything, the sense by which the flavor or savor of things is perceived when they are brought into contact with the tongue.
It really accentuates the fact that we’re supposed to distinguish flavors.
Not many people do that.
We’re all in a rush, constantly on the go…
Our taste buds have also been dulled by all the chemical funk and processed foods consumed.
If we actually slowed down long enough to enjoy every morsel of food we put in our mouths, we would get so much more from our food…
not to mention, it’d help us eat proper portions and not over indulge.
So many just shovel in mouthful after mouthful without tasting their food that they’re left unsatisfied and they continue the quest with more food and just keep repeating the process.
Taste buds are the sensory organs that we have on our tongues that enable us oo experience tastes–sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.
Did you know that the average person has about 10,000 taste buds.
Taste buds are also replaced about every 2 weeks, but as we get older less are replaced.
(so enjoy truly tasting your food now while you have full capacity!)
Question of the day?
Do you take the time to taste your food?
Can you distinguish different flavors in your foods?