Today’s day 9 (22 more to go) of my 100 push ups a day challenge:
Here’s my breakdown on the 100 for today:
5:50 a.m.– 43 standard push ups
6:25 a.m. – 38 plank push ups
7:10 a.m – 41 standard push ups
Once again, exceeding the 100 a day mark but not 100 consecutively
(but, I will get there again)
Today’s day 9 of Rev Abs workout for me.
It was “Fire up your abs” day!
Calorie-scorching cardio combined with Brett’s Six-Pack, the ab circuit that works your core from 6 different angles. (Approx. 40 min.)
It was a good workout this morning…
great combo of warm up, plank, side plank, striders, jack-knife and cool down.
Til tomorrow….