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in 2010 I wrote a Bible Based eWorkbook that takes you through 31 days of Bible Based health, wellness, weight, stress, food issues…
Lately it’s been on my heart to give some of the content here…
So, if you want to work on health, weight, food, stress relief aspects of your life, read on…
Bible Based Health & Wellness –
Day 1: Are you Aware of What You’re Eating? Romans 14:17
Here’s a calendar for you that references a Bible Scripture to read, study and focus on during the day that has something to do with wellness, stress relief, weight, health.
obviously click the calender for a full size in new window to open, or right click to save the image for reference for yourself for the next 31 days (and beyond hopefully)
About the 31 Days of Inspiration for Bible Based Health & Wellness
When we’re done covering these 31 days of scripture, insight and
conversation you’ll have the knowledge to be able to continue on your
daily life in health and well being.
Within this guide, you’ll find a new scripture to study every day. Read
it, meditate on it, pray over it and really get into the Word. You’ll also
have a daily exercise to complete. It’s not mandatory (I’m not going to
be standing over your shoulder with a ruler waiting to crack you on the
knuckles if you don’t do it), but you’ll gain more out of the study if you
complete the daily assignments.
You’ll be developing a deeper, closer, more intimate relationship with
God while on this journey…one that will flow over into every aspect of
your life. Be prepared to experience abundant joy and blessings!
I’m not sure how many days or how often I’ll post pages from the book here on my blog, so if you want to get the complete eWorkbook, you can get it here for just $5
Here is the lesson for Day 1
Again, click the image for a full size in new window to open, or right click to save the image for reference for yourself-print it, do the assignment…
If you need more specific one on one support, hire a coach to help you along the journey.
Question of the day
Do you pay attention to what and how much you eat?
I didn’t know you wrote a bible based wellness e-book – very cool! What a wonderful resource!!
I do pay attention to what and how much I eat, I just don’t always do a good job of talking myself out of it when i really don’t need it.
I love Bible based health/nutrition teachings! Last year I went through the BOD4GOD book, helped tremendously!
I agree with Heather! what a great resource friend!