Looking for ways to lighten Santa’s load?
The Bite: Americans spend more than $400 billion each holiday season on gifts, wrap and all the trimmings. Our over-indulgence also generates an extra 5 million tons of trash between Thanksgiving and New Years Day!
Try saving money, energy, and resources (not to mention your sanity) with gifts that are less material, but a lot more fun.
Each holiday season, Americans throw away 38,000 miles of ribbon alone—enough to tie a bow around the Earth!
The Benefits
* Non-material gifts don’t involve energy-intensive manufacturing, toxic chemicals, or wasteful packaging.
* A “gift of experience,” such as an evening at the theater, is also a gift of time with family and friends. And isn’t that what the holidays are all about? (Besides, you get to play, too).
* Charitable donations make meaningful gifts that require no wrapping, are tax-deductible and priced to suit any budget.